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Last Update: 2017-02-07 Usage Frequency: 2 Quality: Reference:
vyskakovacie oznamy
pop-up notifications
Last Update: 2014-08-15 Usage Frequency: 4 Quality: Reference:
upozornenia a oznamy
alerts & notifications
Last Update: 2010-06-02 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Translated.comWarning: Contains invisible HTML formatting
vydá verejné oznamy.
issue public notices.
Last Update: 2014-11-21 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference:
online komerčné oznamy
on-line commercial communications
Last Update: 2017-04-06 Usage Frequency: 2 Quality: Reference:
vydávať verejné oznamy.
značky a výstražné oznamy
3.6.1.signs and warning
Last Update: 2016-11-04 Usage Frequency: 2 Quality: Reference:
oznamy členských štátov komisii
member state communications to the commission
Last Update: 2014-11-21 Usage Frequency: 2 Quality: Reference:
audiovizuálne komerčné oznamy nesmú:
audiovisual commercial communications shall not:
Last Update: 2017-04-06 Usage Frequency: 3 Quality: Reference:
interné administratívne pokyny a oznamy
internal administrative instructions and notices
Last Update: 2017-04-06 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference:
tabuľka xvi-1: oznamy o súlade
table xvi-1: compliance statements
platby za oznamy v novinách a reklamy,
payment for newspaper notices and advertisements,
Last Update: 2017-02-09 Usage Frequency: 2 Quality: Reference:
skryté audiovizuálne komerčné oznamy sa zakazujú;
surreptitious audiovisual commercial communication shall be prohibited;
je tiež povinná vysielať závažné oznamy obyvateľstvu.
it is also obliged to broadcast emergency measures.
Last Update: 2014-11-06 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference:
tabuľka xiii-i: oznamy o dodržiavaní súladu
table xiii-i: compliance statements
audiovizuálne komerčné oznamy musia byť ľahko odlíšiteľné.
audiovisual commercial communications shall be readily recognisable as such.
komisia považuje za najčastejšie tieto komerčné oznamy:
the commission understands that the following commercial communications are the most frequently used:
komisia pravidelne uverejňuje odkazy na takéto oznamy."
the commission shall regularly publish references to such notifications.'
Last Update: 2014-11-21 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Translated.comWarning: Contains invisible HTML formatting
audiovizuálne komerčné oznamy nesmú používať podprahové techniky;
audiovisual commercial communications shall not use subliminal techniques;
komerčné oznamy, ktoré by mohli aktivovať zraniteľné skupiny.
commercial communications that could trigger vulnerable groups.