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rozhodnutie eurdpskeho ombudsmanam ktorym sa prijfmajri vykondvacie
article 17this decision shall be published in the official journal of the european commurities.
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
ak sfidnydvor ryhlssi akt za neplatny, a v s ak jeho pr6vne ridinky pretrvdvajf, komisia sazavdzuje predlozit' zmeneny n6vrh legislativneho aktu, ktorym sa vykond rozhodnutie sridnehodvora.
when an act has been annulledby the court but continuesto produce legal effects, the commission undertakes to present a modified proposal for a legislative act implementing thejudgment of the court.
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
vykonanie rozhodnutia rady 1999/468'es 278. }frna 1999, ktorym sa ustanomjri postupy pre qikon lykon6vacich prsvomoci prenesenfch na komisiusr,upraluje dohoda medzi komisiou
the implementation of council decision 19991468t8c of 28 june 1999 laying down the
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
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