Results for zaživeti translation from Slovenian to English

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nekateri izmed ajnurjev so se tako, ko jim je eru ponudil to možnost, odločili spustiti se na novonastali svet in v njem zaživeti.


he requested in his will that his remains eventually be buried in mexico.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1


državljani eu so v mislih s tisočimi žalujočimi družinami in na sto tisoče ljudmi, ki si prizadevajo znova zaživeti normalno življenje in ponovno zgraditi skupnosti.


the thoughts of eu citizens are with the many thousands of bereaved families and the hundreds of thousands of people who now have to rebuild their lives and communities.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


po informacijah, ki so jih predložili islandski organi, projekt ne bi mogel zaživeti kot izključno komercialni poslovni primer, zato je bila potrebna udeležba države.


according to the information provided by the icelandic authorities, the project could not gain momentum as a purely commercial business case and required the involvement of the state.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 1


ne vidim drugega upravičenega interesa, kot je spodbujanje ponovne vključitve obsojene osebe v družbo v interesu te osebe in celotne družbe, v kateri bo ta oseba morala znova zaživeti po izteku svoje kazni.


the only legitimate interest that i can see is that of facilitating the reintegration of the convicted person, in his own interests and in the interests of the community at large, in which that person is once more to live when his sentence has been served.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


zato verjamemo, da mora državljanska pobuda čim prej zaživeti, ker bo dokaz politične volje držav članic, parlamenta in institucij unije, ki bodo dale javnosti besedo in omogočile državljanom udeležbo v življenju unije.


that is why we believe that the citizens' initiative must get going as soon as possible, because it will be evidence of the political will of the member states, of parliament and of the union's institutions to give the public a voice and enable citizens to participate in the life of the union.

Last Update: 2012-02-28
Usage Frequency: 2


2.3.1 v središču pozornosti so varčevalni programi in finančne varnostne mreže, medtem ko so ukrepi za izboljšanje gospodarskega upravljanja in večjo rast še naprej razdrobljeni in nejasni, razprava o prednostih in slabostih tesnejšega povezovanja pa ne more prav zaživeti.


2.3.1 austerity programmes and financial safety nets are at the centre of attention, while the measures needed to improve economic governance and increase growth remain fragmentary and opaque and there is no sign of a debate on the pros and cons of closer integration.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


originalna ideja za serijo je temeljila na epizodi »goin' hollywood« serije "that's so raven", ki je služila tudi kot pilot televizijski seriji "better days" z alyson stoner, v kateri otroška zvezda poskuša zaživeti normalno življenje in se šolati v javni šoli.


miley cyrus originally auditioned for the role of the "best friend"lilly romero, later changed to lilly truscott, but they thought she would be better for the main character, so she tried out for chloe stewart/hannah montana.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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