Results for bila dareen translation from Somali to English

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waxay soo jiidatay dareen weyn ilaa maalintii la daabacay.


it has attracted a great attention since published.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1


coronavirus waxa uu leeyahay dareen boositif ah, waa hal miiq oo rna genome ah.


the lipid bilayer envelope, membrane proteins, and nucleocapsid protect the virus when it is outside the host cell.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1


waxaa weeye xidhmo fayrusyo ah oo maraa leh dareen isku mid ah oo rna genome iyo nucleocapsid leh ee helical symmetry.


coronaviruses constitute the subfamily orthocoronavirinae, in the family coronaviridae, order nidovirales, and realm riboviria.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1


madaama uu fayruusku aad ula mid yahay sars-cov calaamadahana ay ka simanyihiin covid-19 iyo sars, dilaaca covid-19 wuxuu abuuray dareen dib usoo noqoshada sars ah.


since the virus is very similar to sars-cov and the symptoms are also similar between covid-19 and sars, the outbreak of covid-19 has created a sense of sars recurring.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1


23dii janaayo, iyagoo ka falcelinaya go'aankii masuuliyiinta dhexe ee ay ku dhaqangelinayeen xayiraada gaadiidka wuhan, wakiilka who gauden galea ayaa xusay inaysan ahayn "talo ay bixiyeen who", waxay ahayd sidoo kale "astaan aad u muhiim ah ee ka go'naanta inay ku xakameeyaan safmareenka meesha uu aad ugu badanyahay" waxaana ugu magac dareen "filasho la'aanta taariikhda caafimaadka bulshada". 30kii janaayo, iyadoo dabasocota xaqiijin inuu ukala gudbayo bini'aadanka banaanka shiinaha iyo koroorka tirada kiisaska dalalka kale, who waxay ku dhawaaqday in dilaacitaanku yahay walaac caalami ah oo soo ifbax degdegga ee caafimaadka bulshada (pheic), pheic lixaad ilaa iyo inta talaabada la qaaday intii lagu gudajiray safmareenka 2009 ee hargab doofaarka.


the who noted the contrast between the 2002–2004 sars outbreak, where chinese authorities were accused of secrecy that impeded prevention and containment efforts, and the current crisis where the central government "has provided regular updates to avoid panic ahead of lunar new year holidays".

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

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