From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
== libros ==* marika herskovic, "american abstract expressionism of the 1950s an illustrated survey," (new york school press, 2003.
) isbn 0-300-10167-8* marika herskovic, "american abstract expressionism of the 1950s an illustrated survey" (new york school press, 2003.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 2
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) isbn 0-8109-0487-x* marika herskovic, "american abstract expressionism of the 1950s an illustrated survey," (new york school press, 2003.
) isbn 0-8109-0487-x* marika herskovic, "american abstract expressionism of the 1950s an illustrated survey," (new york school press, 2003.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
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un elemento crucial que no puede ser pasado por alto fácilmente es el entrenamiento profesional del artista en psicología, la opinión específicamente visual, la psicología de desarrollo del arte y teorías y modelos psicologicos en salud. en esta edad del material del arte y de la reconstitución del recurso después de post-modernism, según lo expuesto por james mann, curator del museo del arte de las vegas y del crítico del arte, pygoya es un candidato probable que se identificará con este nuevo movimiento para el internet. **time-out** " vandalizing " todo disco danza y música, arte instalación, funcionamiento arte, conceptualism, abstracto expressionism, pop arte pop, pintura, escultura, digital tecnología, campo psicología y ahora virtual web estético de colaboración experients con otro artista y audiencia por multimedia y virtual realidad, pygoya poder truely ser indentified como uno artista crear arte después post-modernism (mann, 1997) en internet, con uno pie en virtual realidad y otro sólido plantar en historia arte en planeta.
in this age of art material and resource reconstitution after post-modernism, as expounded by james mann, curator of the las vegas art museum and art critic, pygoya is a likely candidate to be identified with this new movement for the internet. "vandalizing" everything from disco dance and music, art installation, performance art, conceptualism, abstract expressionism, pop art, painting, sculpture, digital technologies, the field of psychology and now virtual web esthetic collaborative experients with other artists and audience through multimedia and virtual reality, pygoya can truely be indentified as an artist creating art after post-modernism (mann, 1997) on the internet, with one foot in virtual reality and the other solidly planted in the history of art on the planet.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
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