From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
high blood pressure.
high blood pressure.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
- low blood pressure,
- high blood pressure,
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
arterial blood pressure
presión arterial
Last Update: 2013-02-08
Usage Frequency: 1
o/e-blood pressure reading nos
o/e - blood pressure reading
Last Update: 2014-12-09
Usage Frequency: 8
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Please delete it you feel so.
excerpt from high blood pressure at your fingertips.
excerpt from high blood pressure at your fingertips.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
management of high blood pressure in general practice.
management of high blood pressure in general practice.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
* hypertension: community control of high blood pressure.
* hypertension: community control of high blood pressure.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
according to commission doctors, kerr registered an unhealthy blood pressure reading the day prior.
according to commission doctors, kerr registered an unhealthy blood pressure reading the day prior.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
c09da treatment of essential hypertension in patients whose blood pressure is not adequately controlled on telmisartan alone
c09da treatment of essential hypertension in patients whose blood pressure is not adequately
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
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high blood pressure screen-detected under 40: a general practice population followed for 21 years.
high blood pressure screen-detected under 40: a general practice population followed for 21 years.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
comparison of blood pressure, sodium intake, and other variables in offspring with and without a family history of high blood pressure.
comparison of blood pressure, sodium intake, and other variables in offspring with and without a family history of high blood pressure.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
getting back to this would undoubtedly mean a reduction in the incredibly high rates of high blood pressure , obesidad, y la diabetes en la comunidad afroamericana.
getting back to this would undoubtedly mean a reduction in the incredibly high rates of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes in the african american community.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
they discovered that the drug could reverse the potentially fatal decrease in blood pressure produced by the loss of large volumes of blood in severe hemorrhage, and thereby improve survival.
they discovered that the drug could reverse the potentially fatal decrease in blood pressure produced by the loss of large volumes of blood in severe hemorrhage, and thereby improve survival.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
these neurotransmitters are needed for normal memory, mood, muscle tone and coordination, emotional responses, endocrine gland secretions, heart rate, and blood pressure control.
these neurotransmitters are needed for normal memory, mood, muscle tone and coordination, emotional responses, endocrine gland secretions, heart rate, and blood pressure control.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
* hart jt, savage w, fahey t. high blood pressure at your fingertips: the comprehensive and medically accurate manual on how to manage your high blood pressure.
* hart jt, savage w, fahey t. high blood pressure at your fingertips: the comprehensive and medically accurate manual on how to manage your high blood pressure.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
la asociación entre los niveles de homocisteína y la aterosclerosis es generalmente más débil que los factores de riesgo conocidos de la diabetes, high blood pressure (hipertensión), nivel alto de colesterol, y el tabaquismo.
the association between homocysteine levels and atherosclerosis is generally weaker compared to the known risk factors of diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol level, and cigarette smoking.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
* watt gcm, foy cjw, hart jt, bingham g, edwards c, hart m, thomas e, walton p. dietary sodium and arterial blood pressure: evidence against genetic susceptibility.
* watt gcm, foy cjw, hart jt, bingham g, edwards c, hart m, thomas e, walton p. dietary sodium and arterial blood pressure: evidence against genetic susceptibility.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
opatanol olopatadine part bevra norelgestromin -ethinylestradiol part b ebixa memantine part b)merck sharp dohmeboehringer ingelheimglaxo groupboehringer ingelheimmerz pharmaceuticalsactelionalcon laboratoriesjanssen-cilagh.lundbeckcódigo atc indicaciónj01dhxx parenteral treatment of moderate to severe infections caused by susceptible bacteria c09da treatment of essential hypertension in patients whose blood pressure is not adequately controlled on telmisartan alone c09da treatment of essential hypertension in patients whose blood pressure is not adequately controlled on telmisartan alone c09da treatment of essential hypertension in patients whose blood pressure is not adequately controlled on telmisartan alone n06dx01 treatment of patients with moderately severe to severe alzheimer disease c02kx01 symptomatic treatment of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension s01gx09 treatment of ocular signs and symptoms of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis g03aa female contraception
further information on the national competent authorities is also available on the national authorities'internet sites: http://heads. medagencies. org and http://www. hevra. orgbelgium andré pauwels conseiller général/generaal adviseur ministère des affaires sociales, de la santé publique et de l'environnement inspection générale de la pharmacie ministerie van sociale zaken, volksgezondheid en leefmilieu algemeine farmaceutische inspektie boulevard bischoffsheim/bischoffsheimlaan, 33 b -1000 bruxelles/brussel tel.(32-2) 227 55 67 fax (32-2) 227 55 54 e-mail: andre. pauwels@afigp. fgov. be internet: http://www. afigp. fogv. bedenmark jytte lyngvig direktør lægemiddelstyrelsen frederikssundvej 378 dk -2700 brønshøj tel.(45) 44 88 93 34 fax (45) 44 88 91 09 e-mail: jyl@dkma. dk internet: http://www. dkma. dkgermany harald schweim direktor bfarm friedrich-ebert-allee 38 d -53113 bonn tel.(49-228) 207 32 03 fax (49-228) 207 55 14 e-mail: schweim@bfarm. de internet: http://www. bfarm. de 46 emea annual report 2002spain ireland fernando garcia alonso pat o'mahonyreinhard kroker leiter des fachbereichs 'tierarzneimittelzulassung und -rückstandskontrolle, futterzusatzstoffe'bgvv diedersdorfer weg 1d -12277 berlintel.(49-1888) 412 23 64fax (49-1888) 412 29 65e-mail: r. kroker@bgvv. deinternet: http://www. bgvv. dejohannes lÖwerkommissarischer leiterbundesamt für sera und impfstoffepaul-ehrlich-institut paul-ehrlich-straße 51-59 d -63225 langen tel.(49-6103) 77 20 00 fax (49-6103) 77 12 52e-mail: loejo@pei. deinternet: http://www. pei. degreece
Last Update: 2008-03-04
Usage Frequency: 1
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