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la principal razónaducida para no acompañar a los niños en bici o a pie erala pérdida de tiempo.


depending onthe size of the group or the mode of travel, a force of oneor more adults will need to be on call.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


el pez(icthos) era uno de ellos, y babilonia erala palabracodificada para referirse a roma.


the fish symbol (icthos) was used for recognition, and babylon was the code word for rome.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


el objetivo del ispa erala utilización de estos fondos guardando un adecuado equilibrio entrelas medidas ambientales ylasrelativas alainfraestructura de transporte.


ispa aimed atusingthesefundsaccordingtoanappropriatebalancebetween measuresinthefieldoftheenvironmentand measuresrelatingto transportinfrastructure.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


la enseñanza industrial inferior erala que preparaba para trabajos manualessimples de operario, mientras la enseñanzaindustrial media preparaba para laboresde supervisión como oficial o capataz.


during the 1980s unemployment rose quickly and more and moreyoung people decided to stay longer at school.some official committees pleaded for improvement in the relationship between education and training and the labour market.the committees recommended a dual system (the catchword was dualisation, see commissie dualisering 1993) by giving theapprenticeship system a higher reputationor by introducing a larger practical component in middle and higher vet.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


en el momento delafiscalización,la asignación global de personal no erala óptima ylas delegaciones norecibían siemprelas competen-ciasespecializadas que necesitaban para poder gestionarla actuación dela comisión en elsector.


atthe time of the audit the overall allocation of staff was sub optimal and did not provide delegations consistently with the expertise neededtoallowthemto managethe commission’s portfolio inthesector.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


el demandante afirmaba por otra parte que cuando en junio de 1998 el consejo de administración tomó la decisión de cambiar el reglamento,la administracióndel banco no le notificó que la consecuencia fundamental de la decisión propuesta no erala moneda de denominación de las pensiones,sino la supresión de los tipos de conversiónespeciales.


the bank has thus incorrectly treatedthe amendment as affecting all pensioners. the complainant also claimed that when the board took the decision to change the regulation in june 1998,the bank’s administrationdid not reveal to the board that the essential consequence of the proposed decision was notthe currency of denomination of pensions but the abolition of the special conversion rates.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


el tribunal estimó que el apoyo presupuestario sectorial erala modalidad de ayuda preferida enlos tres países, no resultante de una evaluación pormenorizada delas distintas herramientas. porlo queserefierea azerbaiyán,seexpresaron dudas sobresi debería utilizarseelapoyo presupuestariosectorial en un país cuyas exportaciones de petróleo y gas son cada vez mayores28.


the courtfoundsector budgetsupportto bethe preferred aid modalityinthethreecountries, withoutresultingfrom adetailedevaluationbetweendifferenttools.concerning azerbaijan,there were doubtsabout whethersector budget support should be usedin a country benefitingfromincreas-ing oil and gas exports28.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


china’s aerospace industry has advanced at an impressive rate over the past decade. while some of this progress can be attributed to rapidly growing governmental support for china’s aerospace sector, china’s aerospace capabilities have also benefited from the increasing partici- pation of its aerospace industry in the global commercial aerospace market and the supply chains of the world’s leading aerospace firms. this monograph assesses china’s aerospace capabilities and the extent to which china’s participation in commercial aerospace markets and supply chains is contributing to the improvement of those capabilities. specific areas assessed include china’s commercial aviation manufac- turing capabilities, its commercial and military capabilities in space, efforts of the chinese government to encourage foreign participation in the development of china’s aerospace industry, transfers of foreign aerospace technology to china, the extent to which u.s. and other foreign aerospace firms are dependent on supplies from china, and the implications of all of these issues for u.s. security interests. chinese airlines, which today operate about 1,400 large commer- cial aircraft and regional jets, are projected to purchase roughly 4,000 new jetliners over the next 20 years. actual purchases could be more or less than this projection, depending on whether china’s economy grows at the expected rate and on the availability of alternative forms of transportation such as high-speed rail. chinese air freight compa- nies will likely purchase another 100 to 200 cargo aircraft, but many of them may be converted aging passenger planes. in september 2009, there were about 200 civil helicopters in china, and approximately xi xii ready for takeoff: china’s advancing aerospace industry 1,200 additional civil helicopters are expected to be purchased by 2018. china’s general aviation market may be set for an explosion of growth. as of late 2009, the nation’s severely restrictive airspace management regime had limited the number of fixed-wing general aviation aircraft in china to about 800 (compared with 230,000 in the united states). reforms are under way, however, and the number of fixed-wing gen- eral aviation aircraft in china is expected to increase by 30 percent per year over the next five to 10 years, resulting in more than 10,000 new aircraft by 2020. except possibly in the case of helicopters, china’s current abil- ity to meet demand with indigenous aircraft is limited. its indigenous regional jet, the arj21, will begin deliveries in 2011, but the regional jet market in china is small. china’s indigenous large commercial air- craft, the c919, will not begin deliveries until the middle of the decade, at the earliest, and it will be a narrow-body aircraft that competes only with the boeing 737 series and airbus a320 series. all wide-body air- craft will be imported at least through 2020. although chinese air- lines will apparently be required to buy at least some c919s, their pref- erence, and that of their customers, will continue to be for boeing and airbus aircraft with proven safety and reliability records. if the c919 can establish a comparable safety and reliability record, however, and can offer improved comfort and fuel efficiency, it is possible that, over time, it will begin to take market share away from boeing and airbus (provided, of course, that boeing and airbus do not bring to market even better aircraft in the meantime).



Last Update: 2014-06-30
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia

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