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inaccessible y nightingale están deshabitadas.
inaccessible and nightingale are uninhabited.
Last Update: 2016-11-30
Usage Frequency: 4
inaccessible y nightingale no están habitadas.
inaccessible and nightingale are uninhabited.
Last Update: 2016-11-29
Usage Frequency: 1
malaysiakini still inaccessible in manila, capital of the philippines.
malaysiakini still inaccessible in manila, capital of the philippines.
Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1
pronoun retention is very frequently used for relativization of inaccessible positions on the accessibility hierarchy.
pronoun retention is very frequently used for relativization of inaccessible positions on the accessibility hierarchy.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
en gough vive un equipo de meteorólogos sudafricanos, mientras que inaccessible y nightingale están deshabitadas.
54. a team of south african meteorologists live on gough. inaccessible and nightingale are uninhabited.
Last Update: 2016-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1
por el contrario, a las islas de nightingale e inaccessible no llegaron los roedores y albergan varias aves autóctonas singulares.
the islands of nightingale and inaccessible remain rodent-free and are home to several unique indigenous land birds.
Last Update: 2016-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1
rescue efforts were also hampered by roads rendered inaccessible by the flooding; some searchers used canoes or kayaks.
rescue efforts were also hampered by roads rendered inaccessible by the flooding; some searchers used canoes or kayaks.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
la isla recibe su nombre de los hermanos gustav y friedrich stoltenhoff los cuales intentaron establecerse en la isla inaccessible. pero su intentona fue abandonada tras dos duros años.
this island is named after the two brothers gustav and friedrich stoltenhoff who tried to settle on the nearby inaccessible island. but their attempt was abandoned after two difficult years.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
la dependencia de tristan da cunha está integrada por cuatro islas, la principal llamada tristan da cunha, y las demás gough, inaccessible y nightingale.
38. the dependency of tristan da cunha16 is composed of four islands -- the main island, called tristan da cunha, plus gough, inaccessible and nightingale.
Last Update: 2016-11-29
Usage Frequency: 1
los pingüinos tanto de nightingale como de inaccessible (lugar del patrimonio mundial), se vieron afectados y las pesquerías de ambas islas se cerraron.
penguins on both nightingale and inaccessible -- a world heritage site, were affected and the fisheries on both islands were closed.
Last Update: 2016-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1
puede ser el tratamiento primario; utilizado donde está inaccessible un tumor por medios quirúrgicos; o como un alza o adjunto a otros tratamientos con repetirse o un tumor malo.
it may be the primary treatment; utilized where a tumor is inaccessible by surgical means; or as a boost or adjunct to other treatments with a recurring or malignant tumor.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
a sir hugh a menudo se le reprocha haber ignorado el inaccessible pinnacle "pináculo inaccesible" de sgurr dearg, en la isla de skye, un pico que no está documentado que subiera.
sir hugh is often said to have missed out the inaccessible pinnacle of sgurr dearg, on the isle of skye, a peak which there is no record of his having climbed.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
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12:05, 4 de diciembre -,, bolshoi gorod (, (la comisión de elecciones de la región de sverdlovsk),, y fueron reportados como inaccessibles .
12:05, december 4 -,, bolshoi gorod (, (the election commission of sverdlovsk region),, and were reported inaccessible .
Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1