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picking up the pieces


picking up the pieces

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


picking up the pieces, "bangkok post".


picking up the pieces, "bangkok post".

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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posteriormente apareció junto a woody allen y sharon stone en la comedia de alfonso arau "picking up the pieces" (2000).


he subsequently appeared opposite woody allen and sharon stone in alfonso arau's straight-to-cable comedy "picking up the pieces" (2000).

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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» dem win buoys party s prospects; gop left to pick up the pieces (the hill)


» dem win buoys party’s prospects; gop left to pick up the pieces (the hill)

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


the four battled at bound for glory in a monster's ball match, with abyss picking up the victory with a pinfall over raven.


the four battled at bound for glory in a monster's ball match, with abyss picking up the victory with a pinfall over raven.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1


el título de su primer álbum, "pickin' up the pieces", hace precisamente referencia a la ruptura del grupo buffalo springfield.


the title of their first album, "pickin' up the pieces", is a reference to the break-up of buffalo springfield.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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su primer álbum, "pickin' up the pieces" (1969), se consideró por la crítica como un disco seminal del género.


===furay era (1969 to 1973)===their first album, "pickin' up the pieces" (1969), is considered a seminal album of the country rock genre.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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"== lista de canciones ==# "24 hours" (alexz johnson, damhnait doyle) - 3:18# "temporary insanity" (andrea wasse, christopher ward) - 4:14# "waste my time" (fred st-gelais, rob wells, c. ward) - 3:13# "let me fall" (alexz johnson, c. ward, fred st-gelais) - 3:25# "skin" (brendan johnson, alexz johnson) - 2:45# "i'm in love with my guitar" (rob wells, c. ward) - 3:21# "criminal" (brendan johnson, alexz johnson) - 3:05# "time to be your 21" (marc jordan, damhnait doyle, rob wells) - 4:12# "it could be you" (c. ward, a. wasse, rob wells) - 3:03# "me out of me" (chin injeti, fred st-gelais) - 2:44# "pick up the pieces" (joel feeney,) - 3:08# "your eyes" (m. jordan, chin injeti, fred st-gelais) - 3:38# "that girl" (brendan johnson, alexz johnson) - 3:38# "stupid girl" (garbage, joe strummer, mick jones, paul simonon, topper headon) - 3:52==personal==*voz principal y coros - alexz johnson*coros - joel feeney, damhnait doyle, neil donnell, andrea wasse, lisa dalbello, katie b y dave ogilvie*bajo - patrick kilbridge*percusión - rick gratton*guitarra principal - tim welch*guitarras adicionales - brendan 'killa' johnson


evren ozdemir)" (fred st-gelais, rob wells, c. ward) - 3:13# "let me fall" (a. johnson, c. ward, fred st-gelais) - 3:25# "skin" (brendan johnson, a. johnson) - 2:45# "i'm in love with my guitar" (rob wells, c. ward) - 3:21# "criminal" (b. johnson, a. johnson) - 3:05# "time to be your 21" (marc jordan, d. doyle, rob wells) - 4:12# "it could be you" (c. ward, a. wasse, rob wells) - 3:03# "me out of me" (chin injeti, fred st-gelais) - 2:44# "pick up the pieces" (joel feeney,) - 3:08# "your eyes" (m. jordan, chin injeti, fred st-gelais) - 3:38# "that girl" (b. johnson, a. johnson) - 3:38# "stupid girl" (garbage, joe strummer, mick jones, paul simonon, topper headon) - 3:52==personnel==*lead vocals and backgrounds - alexz johnson*background vocals - joel feeney, damhnait doyle, neil donnell, andrea wasse, lisa dalbello, katie b and dave ogilvie*bass - patrick kilbridge*drums - rick gratton*guitar and guitar fx - tim welch*additional guitars - brendan 'killa' johnson*synth programming, keyboards, and additional guitars - trevor yuile*horn section on "criminal" - john johnson, vern dorge, dave dunlope, terry promane and perry white*piano on "time to be your 21" - jonathon goldsmith*piano on "temporary insanity" - jody colero==covers and uses==*marie-mai covered the song "waste my time" in french, entitled "tôt ou tard", on her album "dangereuse attraction".

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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