Results for macy's black friday 2024 translation from Spanish to English

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¿qué es el black friday?


do you remember why this is an important day?

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


para obtener el descuento del 50% de black friday introduce el código promocional: black2012


to get the 50% discount on black friday enter the promotional code: black2012

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


reflexiones sobre mujeres, poder, privilegios y videos del "black friday" en pakistán


thoughts on women, power, privilege and black friday videos in pakistan · global voices

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1

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» one third of canadians plan to shop online black friday and cyber monday (vancouver sun)


» one third of canadians plan to shop online black friday and cyber monday (vancouver sun)

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


los estudios han demostrado que el típico comprador del black friday es una persona no blanca, o un padre soltero.


studies have shown that the typical black friday shopper is non-white, or a single parent.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


el 23 de noviembre de 2012 el ep fue reeditado en disco de vinilo de 7 pulgadas por parte de record store day black friday 2012.


on november 23, 2012 the ep was reissued on 7-inch vinyl record as a part of record store day black friday 2012.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1


en comparación, las ventas combinadas del black friday y el cyber monday del año pasado fueron de alrededor de tres billones de dólares.


by comparison, last year’s black friday and cyber monday sales combined reached around three billion dollars.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


esta inauguración no oficial de la temporada navideña, conocida como black friday, suele tener lugar el día siguiente a acción de gracias.


this unofficial beginning of the christmas season – known as black friday – occurs the day after thanksgiving.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


sí, sé que existen entre nosotros los que celebran halloween y se apiñan para estar en las alocadas ofertas de "black friday".


yes, i know that there are those among us who celebrate halloween and who climb on top of each other in the mad 'black friday' shopping specials.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1

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cuando vi por primera vez el video mencionado de sapphire en mi cuenta de twitter, lo ignoré, como usualmente ignoro todos los vídeos de conflictos por el black friday.


when i first saw the sapphire spat video mentioned in my twitter feed, i ignored it, like i usually ignore all black friday brawl videos.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


para los regalos imprescindibles que no puede dejar de comprar, tal vez deba comprarlos antes del día de acción de gracias y del black friday y black monday para encontrar mejor precio y más selección.


for must-have, non-negotiable gifts, you may have to pounce before thanksgiving day and black friday and monday for both price and selection.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


el día después de acción de gracias se conoce en nueva york como black friday (viernes negro): es el comienzo no oficial de la temporada de compras navideñas.


the day after thanksgiving is known in new york as black friday: the unofficial start of the christmas shopping season.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


el parís saint-germain y su tienda en línea repitieron con éxito la operación black friday , puesta en marcha por primera vez el año pasado, y que ya había supuesto el récord de pedidos en un día.


after the success of last year's inaugural black friday, paris saint-germain, and its online shop, enjoyed another day of record sales.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


la noche del black friday una multitud de fisgones, cazadores de gangas y estetas se formaron en una larga fila que pacientemente esperaba el momento en el que podrían entrar a una venta única y especial, restringida a 200 personas, en la quinta avenida de manhattan.


on the evening of black friday, a crowd of window shoppers, bargain hunters, and aesthetes formed a long queue, patiently awaiting entrance to a special, 200 person maximum capacity, limited-time only sale off manhattan's fifth avenue.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


esto sonaba mucho como el comentario que se ve en los estados unidos cuando "los ricos comparten vídeos de peleas del black friday para avergonzar a los pobres" y algo sobre los privilegiados que averguenzan a los menos privilegiados hasta hacerlos sentir realmente mal..


this sounded a whole lot like the commentary you see in the us when "rich people share black friday brawl videos to shame the poor" and something about the privileged shaming the less privileged felt really wrong.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1

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la famosa jornada de ventas "black friday" fue rebautizada como "black fraud" por los consumidores brasileños cuando se comprobó que las empresas subían los precios con antelación para poder bajarlos ese día.


the sales event 'black friday' was re-named 'black fraud' by brazilian consumers as companies were spotted raising prices in advance so they could then bring them down on the day.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1

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los oradores nativos de varias organizaciones, incluyendo indian people organizing for change, compartieron sus pensamientos acerca del “día de no comprar nada” en protesta en contra del “black friday”.


native speakers from several organizations, including indian people organizing for change, shared their thoughts on attending this “buy nothing day” in protest against black friday.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


(2000)* black friday (2004)* aaja nachle (2007)* tashan (2008)* gulaal (2009)* chal chalein (2009)* gangs of wasseypur (2012)* gangs of wasseypur - part 2 (2012)(songs : aabroo and ik bagal)* husna (coke studio (india) season 2) (2012)* (2012)(songs : bargat ke pedo)* (2012)* o re manvaa (my heart) (2012)===screenplay y diálogos===* the legend of bhagat singh (2002) – dialogues* yahaan (2005) – screenplay and dialogues* 1971 (2007) – screenplay* ghajini (2008) – dialogues* lahore (2010) – screenplay* chittagong (2011) – dialogues* agneepath (2012) – dialogues*shuddhi===como cantante===* "aarambh hai prachand" (gulaal-2009)* "duniya" (gulaal-2009)* "jab sheher hamara" (gulaal-2009)* "ik bagal" (gangs of wasseypur - part 1 – 2012)* "ik bagal" (gangs of wasseypur - part 2 – 2012)* "aabroo" (gangs of wasseypur - part 2 – 2012)* "husna" (coke studio (india) season 2 – 2012)* "bargat ke pedo pe shakhe purani " ( – 2012)* "tom dick and harry" (the dewarists) together with akala* o re manvaa (my heart) (2012)* "bas chal kapat" (saheb, biwi aur gangster returns – 2013)* "ghar" (coke studio (india) season 3 – 2013)===como compositor===* gulaal (2009)* lahore (2010) (song: oh re bande)* gangs of wasseypur (2012) (songs: manmauji & ik bagal)* gangs of wasseypur - part 2 (2012) (song: ik bagal)* – (2012)(song: bargat ke pedo)* o re manvaa (my heart) (2012)==premios==;zee cine awards* 2003: best dialogue: "the legend of bhagat singh" (with ranjit kapoor and rajkumar santoshi);stardust awards* 2010: standout performance by a music director: "gulaal"==referencias==== enlaces externos ==* an interview with piyush mishra


" (2000)* black friday (2004)* aaja nachle (2007)* tashan (2008)* gulaal (2009)* chal chalein (2009)* gangs of wasseypur (2012)* gangs of wasseypur - part 2 (2012)(songs : aabroo and ik bagal)* husna coke studio (india) season 2 (2012)* (2012)(songs : bargat ke pedo)* (2012)* o re manvaa (my heart) (2012)* "ghar" coke studio (india) season 3 (2013)===screenplay and dialogues===* the legend of bhagat singh (2002) – dialogues* yahaan (2005) – screenplay and dialogues* 1971 (2007) – screenplay* ghajini (2008) – dialogues* lahore (2010) – screenplay* chittagong (2011) – dialogues* agneepath (2012) – dialogues*shuddhi===singer===* "aarambh hai prachand" (gulaal-2009)* "duniya" (gulaal-2009)* "jab sheher hamara" (gulaal-2009)* "ik bagal" (gangs of wasseypur - part 1 – 2012)* "ik bagal" (gangs of wasseypur - part 2 – 2012)* "aabroo" (gangs of wasseypur - part 2 – 2012)* "husna" (coke studio (india) season 2 – 2012)* "bargat ke pedo pe shakhe purani " ( – 2012)* "tom dick and harry" (the dewarists) together with akala* o re manvaa (my heart) (2012)* "bas chal kapat" (saheb, biwi aur gangster returns – 2013)* "ghar" (coke studio (india) season 3 – 2013)*"reunion" song – 2013 (google india google search advertisement)===composer===* gulaal (2009)* lahore (2010) (song: oh re bande)* gangs of wasseypur (2012) (songs: manmauji & ik bagal)* gangs of wasseypur - part 2 (2012) (song: ik bagal)* – (2012)(song: bargat ke pedo)* o re manvaa (my heart) (2012)==awards==;zee cine awards* 2003: best dialogue: "the legend of bhagat singh" (with ranjit kapoor and rajkumar santoshi);stardust awards* 2010: standout performance by a music director: "gulaal"; julien dubuque international film festival* 2014: best actor: "the playback singer"==references==== external links ==* an interview with piyush mishra

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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