From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
global health and primary care research.
global health and primary care research.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
health and safety assessment
evaluación sanitaria y de seguridad
Last Update: 2012-03-19
Usage Frequency: 3
fuente: instituto de salud pública de la república de macedonia, health and health care of the population in the republic of macedonia, 2010.
source: institute of public health of rm, health and health care of the population in the republic of macedonia, 2010.
nueva edició de la exposición health and care innovation en manchester, inglaterra. los participantes encontrarán un espacio para intercambiar ideas de posibles cambios que se podrían introducir en el mundo de la salud.
health and care innovation expo 2015 will be again held at manchester central (england), where assistants will have the opportunity to share ideas and bring about changes in health and care.