From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
al llegar el final del juicio, doral financial corporation sigue confiada en que la ley prevalecerá
as trial concludes, doral financial corporation remains confident in the rule of law
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
como resultado de la asociación, ahora soy un director de la mellon financial corporation que compró dreyfus.
and as a result of the association, i'm now a director of the mellon financial corporation that bought dreyfus.
Last Update: 2015-10-13
Usage Frequency: 1
las acciones ordinarias de doral financial corporation se cotizan en la bolsa de valores de nueva york bajo el símbolo drl.
doral financial corporation is a bank holding company engaged in banking, mortgage banking and insurance agency activities through its wholly-owned subsidiaries doral bank, with operations on the mainland u.s. (new york metropolitan area and northwest region of florida) and puerto rico. doral financial corporation's common shares trade on the new york stock exchange under the symbol drl.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
* 2007 — barclays acordó comprar "equifirst corporation" de regions financial corporation por $225 millones.
also in 2007, barclays agreed to purchase equifirst corporation from regions financial corporation for us$225 million.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
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la torre one wall centre, parte del complejo wall centre, es propiedad de wall financial corporation y fue en gran medida idea de peter wall.
the one wall centre tower part of the wall centre complex owned by wall financial corporation and was largely the vision of peter wall.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
desde el principio, el edificio albergaba la sede global de mellon financial corporation, hasta que la compañía se fusionó con el bank of new york en 2007.
from its inception until 2007, the building housed the global headquarters of the mellon financial corporation, until the company merged with bank of new york.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
con asesoría de la international financial corporation se realizan los estudios necesarios para transformar la base de howard en un centro multimodal de carga aérea y marítima del lado del pacífico del canal.
with input from the international financial corporation, studies are being undertaken to convert the howard air base into a multifunctional air and sea cargo centre for the pacific side of the canal.
Last Update: 2016-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1
esto incluye un programa de préstamos del banco de aproximadamente 700 millones de dólares, junto con los servicios de asesoramiento y un proyectos activos de la corporación financiera internacional (international financial corporation, ifc).
it includes a bank lending program of approximately $700 million, together with an active international finance corporation (ifc) program—private lending arm of the world bank group—and advisory services.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
el 13 de noviembre de 2009, la propiedad, valuada en ese momento en $3.5 millones, fue subastada como resultado de una liquidación bancaria y comprada por regions financial corporation por $2.3 millones.
on november 13, 2009, the property, then valued at $3.5 million, was listed for auction as a result of bank foreclosure and purchased by regions financial corporation for $2.3 million.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
la demanda alega que countrywide home loans, inc. y su casa matriz, countrywide financial corporation, emplearon en conducta injusta y engañosa, en escala grande, para crear, originar, comercializar y administrar hipotecas innecesariamente riesgosas y costosas a propietarios de illinois.
the complaint alleges that countrywide home loans, inc., and its parent company, countrywide financial corporation, engaged in unfair and deceptive conduct on a large scale in creating, originating, marketing and servicing unnecessarily risky and costly mortgage loans for illinois homeowners.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
pargesa, a su vez, es propiedad al 54,3% de parjointco, una compañía al 50% de agesca (un holding holandés) y power financial corporation, una subsidiaria del conglomerado canadiense power corporation of canada.
pargesa in turn is owned 54.3% by parjointco, a company owned 50/50 by agesca, a dutch holding company and power financial corporation, a subsidiary of the canadian conglomerate power corporation of canada.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
(nyse: tcb), es una compañía financiera de inventarios que ofrece un amplio rango de soluciones financieras de inventarios a fabricantes, distribuidores y otros concesionarios a través de estados unidos y canadá, en la industria de los deportes motorizados, el césped y tcfif, una subsidiaria indirect de tcf financial corporation de industria jardinera, industria de vehículos recreativos, industria de los productos marinos y las industrias de productos electrónicos de consumidor y aparatos electrónicos.
tcfif, an indirect subsidiary of tcf financial corporation (nyse: tcb), is a premier inventory finance company offering a full range of inventory financing solutions to manufacturers, distributors and their dealers throughout the united states and canada in the powersports industry, the lawn and garden industry, the recreational vehicle industry, the marine products industry and the consumer electronics and appliances industry.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
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