Results for triaminic cough syrup translation from Spanish to English

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cough syrup es una canción de la banda estadounidense de rock alternativo young the giant de su álbum debut homónimo.


"cough syrup" is a song by american alternative rock band young the giant from their eponymous debut album.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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chaney dijo que criss «hizo un buen trabajo» con el primer número "cough syrup", que se cantó durante la secuencia de suicidio karofsky, y le dio una «b».


chaney said that criss "did a fine job" with the first number, "cough syrup", which was sung during the karofsky suicide sequence, and gave it a "b".

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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