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allow pre-boot authentication to be bypassed by pressing the esc key (enables boot manager)
允许在按下 esc 按键跳过启动验证(启用启动管理器)(a)
Last Update: 2009-11-19
Usage Frequency: 1
as truecrypt temporarily changed the keyboard layout to the standard us keyboard layout, it is not possible to type characters by pressing keys while the right alt key is held down. however, you can type most of such characters by pressing appropriate keys while the shift key is held down.
由於 truecrypt 暫時改變鍵盤配置為標準美式鍵盤配置,目前在按下右 alt 鍵的情況下是不可能經由按鍵盤輸入字元。然而,您可以在按下 shift 鍵的時候經由按適當鍵輸入大多數的字元。
Last Update: 2009-11-19
Usage Frequency: 1
truecrypt currently does not support multi-boot configurations where a non-windows boot loader is installed in the master boot record.possible solutions:- if you use a boot manager to boot windows and linux, move the boot manager (typically, grub) from the master boot record to a partition. then start this wizard again and encrypt the system partition/drive. note that the truecrypt boot loader will become your primary boot manager and it will allow you to launch the original boot manager (e.g. grub) as your secondary boot manager (by pressing esc in the truecrypt boot loader screen) and thus you will be able boot linux.
truecrypt 目前不支援是在主要啟動磁區中安裝非 windows 的開機管理程式的多重開機組態設定。可能的解決辦法:- 如果您使用了一個啟動管理程式來開啟 windows 和 linux,把啟動管理程式(一般來說,grub)從主要啟動磁區移到一個分割區上。然後再啟動精靈來加密系統分割區/磁碟機。注意:truecrypt 開機管理程式將會成為主要的啟動管理程式,而且會允許您把原來的啟動管理程式(例如 grub)作為第二啟動管理程式來執行(經由在 truecrypt 開機管理程式畫面按下 'esc' 鍵),因此您仍然可以開啟 linux。
Last Update: 2009-11-19
Usage Frequency: 1