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ni chredaf y gwelai lawer o wahaniaeth rhwng y farn a fynegwyd gan y pwyllgor dethol ar faterion cymreig a'm barn i
i do not think that he would find much difference between the views expressed by the welsh affairs select committee and my views
pe bai mike yn cadw golwg ar ddatblygiadau yn y cynulliad , gwelai ym mhle y buddsoddir i greu'r seilwaith y mae ei angen i ddatrys y problemau hyn
if mike kept an eye on developments in the assembly , he would see where investment is being made in order to put in place the necessary infrastructure to address these problems
gofynnodd y busnes hwn am gymorth rhanbarthol dewisol ar un adeg ond ni ddilynodd y diddordeb hwn am ei fod yn dymuno symud yn gyflym , ni welodd broblem a gwelai bopeth yn mynd yn y cyfeiriad rocedaidd hwn ar i fyny
this firm asked at one time for rsa but did not pursue the interest because it wanted to move quickly , did not see a problem and saw everything going in this rocket-like upward direction
gofynnodd inni ym mhle y gwnaem y newidiadau a'r toriadau hynny : os darllenai adran swyddi the guardian ar ddydd iau , gwelai ym mhle y gwnaem hwy
he asked us where we would make those changes and cuts : if he read the job section of the guardian on a thursday he would see where we will make them
pe byddai peter law yn edrych ar y swm o gymorth rhanbarthol dewisol a dalwyd i flaenau gwent dros y saith mlynedd cyn 1997 a thros y chwe blynedd ers 1997 , gwelai fod y cyllid ychwanegol a bwmpiodd y blaid geidwadol i flaenau gwent drwy gymorth rhanbarthol dewisol yn eithaf syfrdanol
if peter law looked at the amount of rsa that was paid to blaenau gwent for the seven years before 1997 and for the six years since 1997 the additional funding that the conservative party pumped into blaenau gwent through rsa payments is quite staggering
pe darllenai'r ystadegau , gwelai mai dim ond 10 o bobl a oedd wedi aros yn hwy na chwe mis am lawdriniaeth ar y galon ddiwedd medi yn ymddiriedolaeth gig caerdydd a'r fro , sydd yn ei ranbarth
if he read the statistics , he would see that only 10 people were waiting more than six months for cardiac surgery at the end of september at cardiff and vale nhs trust , which is in his region
nid dadl yn erbyn darparu'r gwasanaethau hynny i geiswyr lloches mo hon oherwydd , tra oeddwn yn fyfyrwraig yn rhydychen , ymwelais â campsfield , a phe bai david yn gwneud hynny , gwelai sut y caiff ffoaduriaid eu trin
this is not an argument against providing those services for asylum seekers because , while i was a student at oxford , i visited campsfield and , if david did so , he would see how refugees are treated
gweithiasom gyda'r grŵp hwnnw o bobl ifanc dros gyfnod o amser , gan esbonio iddynt nad sut y gwelsent eu hunain oedd yn bwysig , yn gymaint â sut y gwelai eraill -- barnwyr , swyddogion heddlu , gweithwyr cymdeithasol ac yn y blaen -- hwy
we worked with that group of young people over a period of time , explaining to them that the issue was not how they saw themselves , so much as how others -- judges , police officers , social workers and so on -- saw them