Usted buscó: incase if i call u back (Catalán - Inglés)

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incase if i call u back



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can i call you


Última actualización: 2021-03-24
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


o potser la versió anglesa, "oh if i catch you".


or perhaps its english version, 'oh if i catch you'.

Última actualización: 2016-02-24
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo
Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible


aconseguirem una confessió d'en jarvis, i ell se'n va, i call obté les seves respostes.


we get a confession out of jarvis and he goes away, and call gets his answers.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


aamof: as a matter of fact (de fet) afaik: as far as i know (fins on jo conec) aise: as i see it (com veig) bfn: bye for now (per ara adéu) bion: believe it or not (creu- t' ho o no) brb: be right back (ara torno) btw: by the way (per cert) cmiiw: correct me if i am wrong (corregiu- me si m' equivoco) fud: fear, uncertainty, and doubt (por, incertesa i dubte) fwiw: for what it' s worth (pel que val) fyi: for your information (per la vostra informació) hth: hope this helps (espero que això ajudi) iirc: if i recall correctly (si mal no recordo) imho: in my humble opinion (en la meva humil opinió) lol: laughing out loud (riguen en veu alta) myob: mind your own business (no us hi fiqueu) pita: pain in the ass (dolor al darrera "cul") rotfl: rolling on the floor laughing (rodant per terra i riguen) rtfm: read the fine manual (llegiu el maleït manual) sop: standard operating procedure (procediment d' operació estàndard) tia: thanks in advance (gràcies per endavant) ymmv: your mileage may vary (els vostres resultats poden ser diferents)


aamof: as a matter of fact afaik: as far as i know aise: as i see it bfn: bye for now bion: believe it or not brb: be right back btw: by the way cmiiw: correct me if i am wrong fud: fear, uncertainty, and doubt fwiw: for what it's worth fyi: for your information hth: hope this helps iirc: if i recall correctly imho: in my humble opinion lol: laughing out loud myob: mind your own business pita: pain in the ass rotfl: rolling on the floor laughing rtfm: read the fine manual sop: standard operating procedure tia: thanks in advance ymmv: your mileage may vary

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo
Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible

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