Usted buscó: ecp (Croata - Inglés)

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Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


prije i nakom specifičnog bronhalnog provokativnog testa pratiti promjene dinamike periferne i tkivne eozinofilije , te promjene u subpopulacija limfocita čime će se na jednostavnom modelu alergijske bronhokonstrikcije ispitivati patomehanizmi iste . 5 . u kratkotrajnoj kulturi stanica periferne krvi bolesnika koji boluju od bronhalne astme nakon dodavanja specifičnog alergena , u in vitro modelu , pratiti utjecaj alergena na oslobadjanje medijatora te ispitivati njihovu ulogu u alergijskoj upali ( histamin , triptaza , tnf , paf , ecp ) . 6 .


therefore , the goal of this study was to : 1. production of standardized der p and ambrosia elatior allergen extracts , 2. evaluate specific rush immunotherapy as possible method for the treatment of allergic diseases of the respiratory system , 3. evaluate the change in humoral and cellular immunity in patients with allergic disease during specific rush immunotherapy , 4. evaluate the effect of immunotherapy on change of specific skin reactivity , and nonspecific and specific bronchial reactivity , 5. after specific bronhoprovocation investigate the role of peripheral and tissue eosinophils and lymphocyte subpopulations , 6. in culture of peripheral blood cells from allergic subjects after allergen adition , measurment of mediators ( histamine , tryptase , tnf , paf , ecp ) , 7. investigate the role of neurotransmiters ( tachykinins , supstance p ) in allergic bronhoconstriction .

Última actualización: 2012-07-08
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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