Usted buscó: which is the best pop group, in yuor opinion (Danés - Italiano)

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which is the best pop group, in yuor opinion



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plus markets group plc (formerly ofex holdings plc) is the holding company for ofex plc, which operates and regulates the ofex market, which is described as being an independent market in the uk focussed on trading in shares of smes from around the world and representing a wide range of sectors and all stages of development.


plus markets group plc (formerly ofex holdings plc) is the holding company for ofex plc, which operates and regulates the ofex market, which is described as being an independent market in the uk focussed on trading in shares of smes from around the world and representing a wide range of sectors and all stages of development.

Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


ikkeas in no other persons, or no other locations. i do realize that translators may have problem with this, but i need some how to indicate the category, and users may create their own categories, so this is the best i can do - jesper.


nonas in no other persons, or no other locations. i do realize that translators may have problem with this, but i need some how to indicate the category, and users may create their own categories, so this is the best i can do - jesper.

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


this is the fastest way to create a partition-hosted or device-hosted truecrypt volume (in-place encryption, which is the other option, is slower because content of each sector has to be first read, encrypted, and then written). any data currently stored on the selected partition/device will be lost (the data will not be encrypted; it will be overwritten with random data). if you want to encrypt existing data on a partition, choose the other option.


questo è il metodo veloce per creare un volume truecrypt ospitato in una partizione oppure unità (la codifica in posto, che è l’altra opzione, risulta lenta in quanto deve prima leggere, codificare e scrivere ogni settore). qualsiasi dato attualmente memorizzato nella partizione/unità selezionata saranno distrutti (i dati non saranno codificati, essi saranno soprascritti con dati casuali). se volete codificare i dati esistenti su una partizione, scegliete l’altra opzione.

Última actualización: 2016-10-20
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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