Usted buscó: there are four people in the senghor family (Danés - Neerlandés)

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there are four people in the senghor family



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there are also two other international schools as well as a french lycée in the frankfurt area .


there are also two other international schools as well as a french lycée in the frankfurt area .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


there are four main language sections and additional mother tongue tuition in all official eu languages .


there are four main language sections and additional mother tongue tuition in all official eu languages .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


the burden on businesses was difficult to quantify , because there are not data existing in the member states quantifying it .


the burden on businesses was difficult to quantify , because there are not data existing in the member states quantifying it .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


there are several thousands thoroughbred breeders in the uk, though only a fraction of these, about 350, are engaged full time.


there are several thousands thoroughbred breeders in the uk, though only a fraction of these, about 350, are engaged full time.

Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


furthermore, there are no safeguards against racing and the tote using funds received through the envisaged transaction to distort competition in the betting market.


furthermore, there are no safeguards against racing and the tote using funds received through the envisaged transaction to distort competition in the betting market.

Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


however , if in the queue of the payee there are higher priority payment orders addressed to other target2 participants , the fifo principle may only be breached if settling such an offsetting payment order would result in a liquidity increase for the payee .


however , if in the queue of the payee there are higher priority payment orders addressed to other target2 participants , the fifo principle may only be breached if settling such an offsetting payment order would result in a liquidity increase for the payee .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


de fremtidige sociale og økonomiske omkostninger ved en befolknings stigende alder er emnet for instituttets tredje rapport: who will care? future pmspectsfor family care of older people in the european union.


de toekomstige sociale en economische kosten van een vergrijzende bevolking vormt het onderwerp van het derde rapport van de stichting, who will care? future prospects for family care of older people in lhe european union (wie neemt de zorg op zich?

Última actualización: 2014-02-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1


aftaler indgået inden for rammerne af det europæiske samarbejde om videnskabelig og teknisk forskning/cost­aktioner: samling af ­n.2. 1981­1982 8­6 agreements in the countries of the european community/the law of collective 10­8 agricultural research and the italian mezzogiorno 10 ­ 24 agricultura with special reference to agronomic research/prospective inventory of the requirements of greek 2­32 agriculture/the rates of value­added tax in ­ 1984 2­39 die aktivierung des biologischen schilds im stillgelegten kernkraftwerk gundremmingen block a 4­9 die aktivierung des biologischen schilds im stillgelegten kernkraftwerk lingen 10­25 almindelige beretning om de europæiske fællesskabers virksomhed/syttende ­1983 2­4 alternance training: training contracts for young people in the european community 10­10 aluminium industry in the european economic community/energy audit no 2­ 2­25 anabolic agents in animal production/report of the scientific veterinary committee, the scientific committee for animal nutrition and the scientific committee for food on the basis of the report of the scientific group on 9­3 analysis and forecasts [europa transport: observation of transport markets: ­ 19 84] 10 ­ 20 analytiske tabeller vedrørende udenrigshandel ­ nimexe 1983, indførsel


2-1983, invoer:, 6] 9-32 afgewerkte produkten gerangschikt volgens de grondstoffen [analytische tabellen van de buitenlandse handel - sitc/ctci, rev. 2-1983, uitvoer:, 6] 10-42 agreements concluded by the european communities 1980/collection of the -n.10 51 agreements in the countries of .the european community/the law of collective 108 agricultural research and the italian mezzogiorno 1022 agriculture with special reference to agronomic research/prospective inventory of the requirements of greek 232 agriculture/the rates of value-added tax in -1984 239 die aktivierung des biologischen schilds im stillgelegten kernkraftwerk gundremmingen block a 48 die aktivierung des biologischen schilds im stillgelegten kernkraftwerk lingen 10-23 algemeen verslag over de werkzaamheden van de europese gemeenschappen/zeventiende -1983 25 alternance training: training contracts for young people in the european community 10- 10 aluminium industry in the european economic community/energy audit no 2 - 2-26 anabolic agents in animal production/report of the scientific veterinary committee, the scientific committee for animal nutrition and the scientific committee for food on the basis of the report of the scientific group on 93 analysis and forecasts [europa transport: observation of transport markets:- 1984] 10-19 analytische tabellen van de buitenlandse handel - nimexe 1983, invoer

Última actualización: 2014-02-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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