Usted buscó: which cannot be resoanbly overcome (Danés - Polaco)

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which cannot be resoanbly overcome



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% 1 label for network interfaces that cannot be activated


% 1

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


therefore, the 50 %-arrangement cannot be regarded as being in the state's interest.


therefore, the 50 %-arrangement cannot be regarded as being in the state's interest.

Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


under these circumstances, the commission considers that aid benefiting the betting activities of the tote cannot be regarded as compatible.


under these circumstances, the commission considers that aid benefiting the betting activities of the tote cannot be regarded as compatible.

Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


slutdato / - tid er før tartdato / - tid@ info date cannot be earlier than start date


data/ czas zakończenia jest wcześniejsza od daty/ czasu rozpoczęcia@ info date cannot be earlier than start date

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


according to the constant practice of the commission, such aid cannot be considered to facilitate the development of certain economic activities or of certain economic areas.


according to the constant practice of the commission, such aid cannot be considered to facilitate the development of certain economic activities or of certain economic areas.

Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


- the measures cannot be qualified as any action designed to remedy or to prevent damage or to encourage the efficient use of the resources as defined in point 6 of the abovementioned guidelines.


- the measures cannot be qualified as any action designed to remedy or to prevent damage or to encourage the efficient use of the resources as defined in point 6 of the abovementioned guidelines.

Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


you can click pause or defer anytime to interrupt the process of encryption, exit this wizard, restart or shut down your computer, and then resume the process, which will continue from the point it was stopped. note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted.


możesz wcisnąć pazua lub odłóż na później aby przerwać proces szyfrowania, wyjść z tego kreatora, zrestartować lub wyłączyć komputer i później wznowić proces, który będzie kontynuował szyfrowanie od miejsca gdzie zakończył. wolumen nie może być podłączony do czasu pełnego zaszyfrowania.

Última actualización: 2009-12-13
Frecuencia de uso: 1


an error prevented truecrypt from resuming the process of encryption of the partition.please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try resuming the process again. note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted.


błąd uniemożliwił truecrypt do wznowienia procesu szyfrowania partycji.proszę najpierw rozwiązać problem i spróbować ponownie wznowić proces. notka, wolumen nie może być podłączony dopóki nie zostanie w pełni zaszyfrowany.

Última actualización: 2009-12-13
Frecuencia de uso: 1


( e ) ancillary systems that require liquidity in the early morning need to have established means to cope with cases where the daytime processing cannot be started in time due to an ssp failure on the previous day .


( e ) ancillary systems that require liquidity in the early morning need to have established means to cope with cases where the daytime processing cannot be started in time due to an ssp failure on the previous day .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


for security reasons, a hidden volume cannot be created within a truecrypt volume containing a filesystem that has been encrypted in place (because the free space on the volume has not been filled with random data).


z powodó bezpieczeństwa, ukryty wolumen nie może być stworzony wewnątrz wolumenu truecrypt zawierającego system plików (ponieważ wolne miejsce na wolumenie nie będzie wypełnione lowosymi danymi).

Última actualización: 2009-12-13
Frecuencia de uso: 1


(36) as effects on existing financial services providers such as ofex cannot be completely excluded, the measure has the potential to distort competition and affect intra-community trade.


(36) as effects on existing financial services providers such as ofex cannot be completely excluded, the measure has the potential to distort competition and affect intra-community trade.

Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


(27) as no information is available about the individual loans, it cannot be established at this stage whether the loans have been granted for specific investments made by the companies concerned or whether they have been given as a general loan to improve de liquidity of the company.


(27) as no information is available about the individual loans, it cannot be established at this stage whether the loans have been granted for specific investments made by the companies concerned or whether they have been given as a general loan to improve de liquidity of the company.

Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


with regards to the environmental protection objective, the scheme cannot be assessed on the basis of the community guidelines on state aid for environmental protection (oj c 37, 3.2.2001, p. 3):


with regards to the environmental protection objective, the scheme cannot be assessed on the basis of the community guidelines on state aid for environmental protection (oj c 37, 3.2.2001, p. 3):

Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


[5] som kommissionen udtrykkeligt indrømmer, når den erklærer, at "the proposed strategy and programme aim to implement articles 152 and 153 of the treaty …. by complementing national action with value-added measures which cannot be taken at national level" (legislative financial statement, s. 41).[6] forordning 2006/2004, eut l 364 af 9.12.2004.

Polaco niemniej jednak, nawet tutaj komitet stwierdza, że nie widać szczególnych innowacji [16] w porównaniu do istoty poprzednich programów. w związku z tym zachowują ważność uwagi ekes-u na temat programu na lata 2001-2006 i na temat europejskiej strategii Środowiska i zdrowia na lata 2004-2010, szczególnie jeśli chodzi o uporczywy brak konkretnych celów, które można poddać obiektywnej ocenie, a także brak dokładnego harmonogramu osiągania tych celów [17].

Última actualización: 2008-03-04
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo
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