Usted buscó: online data collection and real time reporting (Danés - Portugués)

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online data collection and real time reporting



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the costs to the member states of data collection and processing are also not very high , because existing registers are used and most of the data used to calculate fats are available as part of the regular surveys .


the costs to the member states of data collection and processing are also not very high , because existing registers are used and most of the data used to calculate fats are available as part of the regular surveys .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


in addition, meetings with member states will be organised within the statistics working group to improve data collection and explore solutions to automate it in view of the end-2006 deadline laid down in the e-procurement action plan.


in addition, meetings with member states will be organised within the statistics working group to improve data collection and explore solutions to automate it in view of the end-2006 deadline laid down in the e-procurement action plan.

Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


--- « single shared platform ( ssp ) » means the single technical platform infrastructure provided by the ssp-providing cbs , --- « ssp-providing cbs » means the deutsche bundesbank , the banque de france and the banca d' italia in their capacity as the cbs building and operating the ssp for the eurosystem 's benefit , --- « static data collection form » means a form developed by the ecb for the purpose of registering applicants for target2-ecb services and registering any changes in relation to the provision of such services , --- « suspension » means the temporary freezing of the rights and obligations of a participant for a period of time to be determined by the ecb , --- « target2-ecb » means the target2 component system of the ecb , --- « target2 » means the entirety resulting from all target2 component systems of the cbs , --- « target2 component system » means any of the cbs » real-time gross settlement ( rtgs ) systems that form part of target2 , --- « target2 cug » means a subset of the network service provider 's customers grouped for the purpose of their use of the relevant services and products of the network service provider when accessing the pm , --- « target2 participant » means any participant in any target2 component system ,


--- « single shared platform ( ssp ) » means the single technical platform infrastructure provided by the ssp-providing cbs , --- « ssp-providing cbs » means the deutsche bundesbank , the banque de france and the banca d' italia in their capacity as the cbs building and operating the ssp for the eurosystem 's benefit , --- « static data collection form » means a form developed by the ecb for the purpose of registering applicants for target2-ecb services and registering any changes in relation to the provision of such services , --- « suspension » means the temporary freezing of the rights and obligations of a participant for a period of time to be determined by the ecb , --- « target2-ecb » means the target2 component system of the ecb , --- « target2 » means the entirety resulting from all target2 component systems of the cbs , --- « target2 component system » means any of the cbs » real-time gross settlement ( rtgs ) systems that form part of target2 , --- « target2 cug » means a subset of the network service provider 's customers grouped for the purpose of their use of the relevant services and products of the network service provider when accessing the pm , --- « target2 participant » means any participant in any target2 component system ,

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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