Usted buscó: leitoyrgik (Griego - Inglés)

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h paroýsa symfvn a antikaqistá , ap 1hw ianoyar oy 1999 , th symfvn a thw 13hw mart oy 1979 , pvw tropopoi qhke me to m so thw 10hw ioyn oy 1985 kai to m so 10hw noembr oy 1987 , me thn opo a qesp zontai oi leitoyrgik w diadikas ew toy eyrvpa koý nomismatikoý syst matow .


this agreement replaces , with effect from 1 january 1999 , the agreement of 13 march 1979 , as amended by the instrument of 10 june 1985 and the instrument of 10 november 1987 , laying down the operating procedures of the european monetary system .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


üexontaw yp ch : to katastatik toy eyrvpa koý syst matow kentrik n trapez n kai thw eyrvpa k w kentrik w trápezaw ( efej w kaloýmeno « katastatik » ) kai id vw to árqro 28.1 , th sýstash thw eyrvpa k w kentrik w trápezaw ( ekt ) , th gn mh toy eyrvpa koý koinoboyl oy , th gn mh thw epitrop w tvn eyrvpa k n koinot tvn , apofas zontaw sýmfvna me th diadikas a poy probl petai sto árqro 106 parágrafow 6 thw synq khw gia thn drysh thw eyrvpa k w koin thtaw ( efej w kaloýmenh « synq kh » ) kai sto árqro 42 toy katastatikoý , ektim ntaw : ti ta árqra 28.1 kai 28.2 toy katastatikoý or zoyn ti oi eqnik w kentrik w trápezew par xoyn sthn ekt kefálaio ýcoyw 5 disekatommyr vn eyr , to opo o kaq statai leitoyrgik ap thw drys w thw ·


having regard to the statute of the european system of central banks and of the european central bank ( hereinafter referred to as the « statute ') and in particular to article 28.1 thereof , having regard to the recommendation made by the european central bank ( ecb ) , having regard parliament , to the opinion of the european with capital of 5 000 million euro , which shall become operational upon the establishment of the ecb ;

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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