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5 years hogaye apke bagar



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tujhya vina 5 years


without you 5 years

Última actualización: 2024-09-08
Frecuencia de uso: 1


aaj meri beti 5 years ki ho gai


today my daughter turned 5 years old.

Última actualización: 2024-07-17
Frecuencia de uso: 1


its been 5 years since we know each other


Última actualización: 2021-01-31
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


it means that the computer science department in your college has enough income to support itself. it is financially independent of the other classes at your college. i don’t understand why they would add that to title of the course, it has nothing to do with what is being taught and i don’t think it will affect you in any way. is it worth it to join srm university for a btech in computer sciences. how is the scope at srm? i’ll go anonymous for personal reasons. this is a completely honest from the heart kind of an opinion and i’ll keep it as short as possible. this is about srm kattankulathur(and is probably the only srm even worth writing a review about). but, what ruins it all is srm itself. they are greedy as fuck! they cannot limit their intake. they have to have 30,000 good for nothings in the campus. they have to sell their seats. the seats sold is close to 70%. that ruins everything. and the result? mediocrity or even worse. what’s the point in teaching machine learning to folks whose only aim in life is to get laid or get a girlfriend? yes, that’s 80%% of the crowd you meet here. and as you can guess, those folks have made it here by buying seats using their baap ka paisa. their new semester’s resolution is not to improve their gpa by studying hard but by improving their malpractice skills. the telugu crowd is probably the worst(though there are genuine exceptions). the north indians are the better lot(though again there are exceptions). you don’t need to have be a nerd, but at least maintain some standards close to the alumni produced by other universities. srm university is the most depressing university one can be in if one’s got any sort of ambitions in engineering. if you haven’t made it to iits/nits/bits stay clear out of such universities. it’s better to join some third grade university and stay in your home town. it’s unimaginably hard working on yourself if you cannot find a single soul who is half as like minded as you are. if you are like the other good for nothings as mentioned above, this place is your heaven. go ahead! buy your seat right now. you are a very crucial asset for the university to maintain its times no. 1 ranking. hurry up! the prices tend to increase after a while. conclusion: srm university can be a way better university and can even match the standards produced by iits if it stops being such a prostitute. adios. is computer science a good career track for me? yes, computer science is a good career to choose in the future. the reason behind this is that the tech industry is growing day by day due to which getting a degree in computer science will never be a waste of time. in other words we can say that getting a computer science degree is an investment for you. let us tell you some benefits that you can get in your future by having a career in computer science. if you want to know them, then have a look: · the career in computer science is powerful in a way that it can influence and affect a large group of people. · there will always be a need of tech professionals adept in several fields of computer science because of the number of tech companies and it positions needed to fill-in. let us tell you that it professionals are not only found in the tech industry but also in other fields with needed computer specialists. due to this, finding a job won’t be that hard for the computer science students. · graduates of computer science degrees have higher paying jobs and better job opportunities than those who don’t. the reason behind this is that they have the proof to back up their capabilities. · the career in computer science can help make a difference for the better using technology. · we are all familiar with this that technology is constantly changing and having the career in computer science means that knowledge will always be up to date in this fast-growing industry. there will always be a room for growth for the graduates which help them in serving the industry with their best potential. along with these, there are huge number of benefits available that shows the worth of having career in computer science. gateway education offers a wide range of technical and professional courses that help the students in making their career shine. we have colleges and institutes that have a great staff of trainers and faculty that are providing students with the best of their knowledge and experience and this provides opportunities to the students to take their career to new heights. also, our placement cell is best among the other colleges that provide the students to get placed in top mncs. for more information and details kindly visit the official website of gateway education. which branch is the best in computer science? there are lots of branches in computer science among which you can choose anyone that suits you. but let us tell you that all of these branches are better in their own way. if you want to know them then have a look on these branches which are enlisted below: · computer architecture: design new computer instruction sets, and combine electronic or optical components to provide powerful but cost-effective computing. · artificial intelligence: develop computers that simulate human learning and reasoning ability. · software engineering: develop methods for the production of software systems on time, within budget, and with few or no defects. · computer design and engineering: design new computer circuits, microchips, and other electronic components. · operating systems and networks: develop the basic software computers use to supervise themselves or to communicate with other computers. · information technology: develop and manage information systems that support a business or organization. · software applications: apply computing and technology to solving problems outside the computer field - in education or medicine. · computer theory: investigate the fundamental theories of how computers solve problems, and apply the results to other areas of computer science. along with these, there are lots of branches available among which you can choose anyone for your career according to your interest. all of these branches have bright future. thus you can choose anyone for your career. if you want to know more information regarding this then you can contact to us at gateway education at any time as we have highly certified and experienced staff that love to serve all the students and love to brighten the future of each and every one by giving the best advice as per your needs and interests. gateway education offers a wide range of technical and professional courses that help the students in making their career shine. we have colleges and institutes that have a great staff of trainers and faculty that are providing students with the best of their knowledge and experience and this provides opportunities to the students to take their career to new heights. also, our placement cell is best among the other colleges that provide the students to get placed in top mncs. for more information and details kindly visit the official website of gateway education. which undergraduate program can prepare you to build medical devices? biomedical engineering? electrical engineering? computer science? medical devices could be of different kind. i am answering this question from the perspective of medical device that fall under the category of medical electronics. this subset consists of medical device that have electronics or photonics as subassemblies. any medical device building needs an interdisciplinary team. depending on where you are building the device, the requirements differ. working in a medical device organisation this requires you to have good knowledge in your subject of specialization and an aptitude to understand other subjects. your subject of specialization could be any technical branch: medical and non medical. a lot of interns who worked with me were qualified as computer scientists and were pursuing masters in medical imaging. likewise, the product design team has people from mechanical engineering specialized in design. the same goes for electrical and electronics engineers. you will notice that the examples that i cited, all these guys have bachelors in core fields of engineering and are pursuing specialization in fields that combine their core field and medical field. here they develop the aptitude for applying their core field to the medical field. i am in no way suggesting that you need to study for this. you may do a project on your own, take online classes, or work at an organisation to develop this application mindset. working on your own medical device in this case you need to develop three traits skills: as a founder, you need to develop the capability to assess need, creativity to devise solution, technical knowledge to do feasibility of the solution to address the problem team person: you may not have all the skills mentioned in (1). and that is when you would need a team perseverance: a medical device field is a high risk, high reward industry. however a successful device building needs perseverance for need assessment, prototype building, clinical research and regulatory and intellectual property creation (it may take anywhere from 3–5 years). motivation in medical device it is not as simple as people often think. on one hand, it is so natural to be highly motivated to work on a medical device because it saves lives. you and your near ones can take immense pride in it. at the same time, it get’s difficult to keep up the motivation because it takes lot more time than a regular engineering product. there is hardly a concept of minimum viable product in case of medical device because even in case of your prototype, you have to evaluate and implement all the necessary sub-assemblies to test the performance. having said all that, the motivation to build one does triumph many a times and that is why amazing medical devices are getting built by the startups. what is the difference between computer science, computer engineering, and software engineering? how is the scope of it in comparison to se or cs? is computer science a good choice for specializing in mobile app development? the difference between computer science and computer engineering/software engineering is like comparing apples and oranges. science is the study and observation of physical and natural phenomena to understand our reality. through the scientific hypothesis we formulate scientific knowledge. on the other hand, engineering is the application of scientific knowledge in order to improve our reality. suppose, computer science is the apple and computer engineering/software engineernig is the orange. logically speaking, computer science and computer engineering/software engineering are intrinsically relatable in the area of ‘computers’ just as apples and oranges belong to the same set or group called ‘fruits’. both belong to the same realm and the same holds for software engineering. people often muddle up all three fields. in reality, computer science is the most theoretical out of the bunch. computer engineering relates to the integration of hardware and software in computers and electronics. on the other hand, software engineering deals with the development, development, and maintance of software. there exists a common intersection for both kinds of engineering fields to computer science. the real difference is that computer science removes the excess worries of hardware and are less interested in coding. computer scientists deal with a level of abstraction that closely aligns towards the research interests of mathematicians (through computation). computer science is an apple. it deals with understanding the theory of computation, the behavior of artificial intelligence, cybersectuity, cryptology/cryptocurrency, algorithms, machine learning, and plenty of cool stuff that relates to upper-level mathematics (beyond calculus — i won’t spoil you can research this). computer science’s scope goes further than applications to information technology (it) and software development. the relevance of a bachelor’s in computer science fades once you get a feel of programming language acquisition which is the most important skill to software engineering. in fact, computer science will mostly teach you three to four programming languages at most. there’s a whole sea of programming languages out there. good luck. what is the difference between a degree in software engineering vs. computer science? 1. ​ ​ ​ ​the above image is self-explanatory. source for further content: 2. “a scientist builds in order to learn; an engineer learns in order to build.” scientists learn what is true, how to test hypotheses, and how to extend knowledge in their field. engineers learn what is true, what is useful, and how to apply well-understood knowledge to solve practical problems. 3. the software world has become a victim of its own success. the software job market has been growing faster than the educational infrastructure needed to support it, and so more than half the people holding software development jobs have been educated in subjects other than software. employers can’t require these software retreads to obtain the equivalent of an undergraduate engineering degree in their off hours. even if they could, most of the courses available are in computer science, not software engineering. the educational infrastructure has fallen behind industry’s needs. universities award computer science degrees, and they normally expect their computer science students to obtain software development jobs in which they will immediately begin solving real-world problems. only a small fraction of computer science undergraduates go on to graduate school or research environments in which they are advancing the state of knowledge about software or computers. this puts computer science students into a technological no-man’s land. they are called scientists, but they are performing job functions that are traditionally performed by engineers, without the benefit of engineering training. the effect is roughly the same as it would be if you assigned a physics ph.d. to design electrical equipment for commercial sale. another explanation : which cse specialization is the best? computer science is really an umbrella term that encompasses a number of fields. here are some of the specializations that you can consider for your computer science degree. computer and network security : in this field, cs experts address software vulnerabilities and mitigate security risks. coursework for this specialization typically includes topics such as database management, advanced operating systems, cryptography, and advanced encryption strategies. mobile and web computing: in this field may focus on broad, theory-based applications of networking protocols and other aspects of systems design. other programs will focus on the creation of websites or mobile applications with an emphasis on interface design. human-computer interaction: it might include moving beyond the traditional model of a keyboard and monitor to any number of other interfaces. programs in this concentration often include coursework on design thinking and user studies. software engineering: these programs typically highlight collaborative teamwork and software security. students in this concentration will take courses on computer systems, compilers, and databases. bioinformatics: bioinformatics focuses on the intersection of computer science and biological science. this specialization often includes applications of technology in medical contexts, such as genome sequencing and computational biology. information management and data analytics: in this field, students will learn techniques and strategies to store, organize, and analyze massive data sets. topics for coursework in this field generally include algorithms for data mining, database architecture, and distributed systems and networking. artificial intelligence: it incorporates topics such as probability and modeling, robotics, logical reasoning, natural language processing, and machine learning. according to your choice and interest you can select any one of the option for your specialization. which course is harder between nursing and computer science? i'm a nurse and i say you should major in computer science! 100%…hands down. no more to say. period. i could write you a book here, but i won't. i suggest you talk to nurses. seasoned nurses and new nurses. both! because each will have different perspectives. a lot has changed in education of nurses and the job market, so talking to newer nurses is probably more beneficial than talking to older nurses. i only had older nurses guiding me when i decided to go to nursing school and their view was very outdated. had i talked with newer nurses, i would've chosen something else. again, i could go on…but i unfortunately have to get to work! as a nurse. a dirty, depressing, thankless job where i feel more like a slave than the professional i thought i'd be treated like — and was told i'd be treated like by lying instructors in college who only cared about tuition money. *another hint…dont blindly believe the bs schools tell you* theyll fill your head with future scenarios where you'll be a respected member of the medical team when in reality, you'll be an overworked, disrespected slave — who works holidays, weekends, and goes blind on paperwork way more than actually spending time with patients. and let's not forget having any and every possible bodily fluid on you. the worst fluid you'll get on your clothes, face, hair, shoes, or hands in a computer/it job is ink toner. proceed wisely. good luck. which sub-branch in computer engineering has a good scope in the coming future? thanks for the a2a! nice question. since you have chosen to live with computers and bugs, i assume that you are interested in the stream, your decision is all yours and not your parents'. however good a course might be, it becomes truly good only when you are interested in it. having said the punch line, let me get into the details. there is a new branch of computer science coming up almost everyday and the choice of the right course should be made depending on your goals and not the trend. however, it is considered safe to do computer science and engineering first and then do a specialization in your field of interest. to be short, a in computer science and engineering or information technology is the safest thing to do. while doing, you can also complete some good courses based on your interest. for example, if you are interested in networking and routing, you can consider doing ccna and it's higher levels. if ethical hacking is your thing, you can consider doing ceh or rhce. and the list goes on.. here's a nice little tip for you : google is an engineer's best friend.consider looking up for more courses online. hope it helps. good luck! what kind of projects should be done at mca? hello, there are plenty of options are their for mini and major projects for mca. but most of them are already developed. if you have any new idea then you can implement it using old technologies (php, .net, android etc). but if you really want to do something, you need to study hard at yourself. choose any old concept, just like hotel room booking ticket booking matrimonial portal job portal etc. and design it in totally new technology. the technologies or languages which are not included in your syllabus and far better in execution and performance are available in computer science now. you can use those things and develop your project. also, don’t develop only website. develop web-api’s along with it. so that you can attach desktop and mobile app for t


Última actualización: 2021-06-09
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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