Usted buscó: prejudice (Húngaro - Finés)

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without prejudice to the abovementioned increase or reduction of the guarantee ,


without prejudice to the abovementioned increase or reduction of the guarantee ,

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


without prejudice to article 28 , participation in target2-ecb is for an indefinite period of time .


without prejudice to article 28 , participation in target2-ecb is for an indefinite period of time .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


without prejudice to the abovementioned increase or reduction of the guarantee , the guarantee shall be irrevocable , unconditional and payable on first demand .


without prejudice to the abovementioned increase or reduction of the guarantee , the guarantee shall be irrevocable , unconditional and payable on first demand .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


article 39 severability if any provision in these conditions is or becomes invalid , this shall not prejudice the applicability of all the other provisions of these conditions .


article 39 severability if any provision in these conditions is or becomes invalid , this shall not prejudice the applicability of all the other provisions of these conditions .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


as such , when completing this legislative financial statement , and without prejudice to its legibility , an attempt should be made to avoid repeating information contained in the explanatory memorandum .


as such , when completing this legislative financial statement , and without prejudice to its legibility , an attempt should be made to avoid repeating information contained in the explanatory memorandum .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


any dispute arising from a matter relating to the relationship referred to in paragraph 1 falls under the exclusive competence of the courts of frankfurt am main , without prejudice to the competence of the court of justice of the european communities .


any dispute arising from a matter relating to the relationship referred to in paragraph 1 falls under the exclusive competence of the courts of frankfurt am main , without prejudice to the competence of the court of justice of the european communities .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


without prejudice to the competence of the court of justice of the european union , any dispute arising from a matter relating to the relationship referred to in paragraph 1 falls under the exclusive competence of the courts of frankfurt am main ."


without prejudice to the competence of the court of justice of the european union , any dispute arising from a matter relating to the relationship referred to in paragraph 1 falls under the exclusive competence of the courts of frankfurt am main ."

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible


without prejudice to the ultimate decision-making powers of the ecb decision-making bodies , the t2s programme board is entrusted with the autonomous performance of clearly defined executive tasks related to the t2s programme .


without prejudice to the ultimate decision-making powers of the ecb decision-making bodies , the t2s programme board is entrusted with the autonomous performance of clearly defined executive tasks related to the t2s programme .

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


according to the terms of article 6(2) of the act of accession of the new eu member states to the eu, accession of the new eu member states to the euro-mediterranean association agreement is to be agreed by means of a protocol to this agreement. the same article provides for a simplified procedure, whereby the protocol is to be concluded by the council, acting unanimously on behalf of the member states, and by the third country concerned. this procedure is without prejudice to the community’s own competences.


eu:n uusien jäsenvaltioiden liittymisasiakirjan 6 artiklan 2 kohdan mukaisesti uusien jäsenvaltioiden liittymisestä euro–välimeri-assosiaatiosopimukseen sovitaan tekemällä pöytäkirja kyseiseen sopimukseen. samassa artiklassa määrätään yksinkertaistetusta menettelystä, jonka mukaisesti tämä pöytäkirja tehdään neuvoston, joka tekee ratkaisunsa yksimielisesti jäsenvaltioiden puolesta, ja asianomaisen kolmannen maan välillä. tämä menettely ei kuitenkaan rajoita yhteisön toimivaltaa.

Última actualización: 2008-03-04
Frecuencia de uso: 10

Referencia: Anónimo

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