Usted buscó: kamu jelek (Indonesio - Inglés)

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kamu jelek



Última actualización: 2021-02-04
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


mimpi diciptakan duhhh nilai kamu jelek gini gimana mau daftar universitas terbaik."sa berbalik badan". sa itu anak ibunya, dia siswa sma yg suka bermain game, game pc ataupun di hp game . "we on this". tiba tiba dia berfikir aku sudah naik kelas 12 mau ngapain ya. " onic !!!!!" . suara dari hpnya. tak terasa waktu mulai malam. sa memikirkan apa yang harus dilakukannya."nilai ku jelek, aku ga aktif organisasi sekolah, dan gada ikut lomba lomba". tidur sa. kata ibu. waktu sekolah pun tiba. sa s


dreams created duhhh your grades are bad how do you want to list the best universities. "sa turned around". sa is his mother's son, he is a high school student who likes to play games, pc games or on his mobile phone. "we on this". suddenly he thinks i'm already in 12th grade, what are you going to do. "onic!!!!!". a voice from his phone. it doesn't feel like it's starting at night. i was thinking about what to do. "my grades were bad, i wasn't active in the school organization, and the mace took part in the competition". sleeping sa. mother said. school time arrived. sa s

Última actualización: 2024-07-09
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo
Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible

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