Usted buscó: so far away (Indonesio - Inglés)

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so far away



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sebagai mahasiswa teknik, saya tertarik untuk mencoba tantangan dan pengalaman baru yang mana menarik perhatian saya. so far, saya ingin pelajarinya lebih dalam apalagi di jaman seperti sekarang diharuskan menjadi generasi yang lebih peka dengan teknologi.


as an engineering student, i am interested in trying new challenges and experiences which caught my attention. so far, i want to learn more deeply, especially in an era like now that is required to be a generation that is more sensitive to technology.

Última actualización: 2020-06-12
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


the first session on november 28, 2021, will discuss the perspective of joining the least developed countries. in this session, the experts will examine the impact of the 9 least developed countries that have become members of the wto. patrick loe, former chief economist of the wto and mozamil, former minister of industry and trade of afghanistan will present their findings and analysis of economic development of 9 underprivileged countries after becoming wto members. this session will be an evaluation session on the impact of reforms based on the trade situation including interactions with regional and global markets. in this session, tl will have the opportunity to express his opinion about the fundamental challenges faced so far and what steps have been taken to overcome these challenges.


correct grammar on translations

Última actualización: 2021-11-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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