Usted buscó: ensure that no additional point is highlig... (Inglés - Afrikaans)

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ensure that no additional point is highlighted



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toggle whether constellation boundary containing the central focus point is highlighted in the sky map.



Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 2


when telephones was created it was meant to improve communication. for decades and until this very moment in time it has. people from different parts of the world can communicate hearing the voice on the other side has maintained that human touch. then came the introduction of the cellphone more than 20 years ago. the vision was to one day ensure that almost every single person would own one. this has come to pass and sure enough every single person owns a cellphone but what has that done with communication, that human touch. with cellphone networks offering tempting packages of free data and sms's etc, texting is taking over the human voice, and the texting language ia taking over the english language. that silence we hear where once families and friends 'talked' eith each other is the sound of murder. death of the human voice or birth of the bionic fingers. the cellphone is not all that bad, it has its advances. the problem is the abuse of it. well i'm grateful that no school permits cellphones being carried in otherwise non of us will be talking to each other.


query length limit excedeed. max allowed query : 500 chars

Última actualización: 2016-01-24
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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