Usted buscó: from the time i was a baby i always wanted... (Inglés - Afrikaans)

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from the time i was a baby i always wanted a dog



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i was so happy because i always wanted a dog as a pet .


ek het jack gekry as my 14de verjaardaggeskenk van my ouma.

Última actualización: 2021-03-13
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


essay about if i was a dog in afrikaans


essay about if i was a dog in afrikaans

Última actualización: 2019-01-31
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


my mother says, i liked to smile when i was a baby.


Última actualización: 2023-11-05
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


when i was small i always wanted to be star when i was at the ages of six years old. but i never knew what i wanted to be because alout was happening in my life at the time.


Última actualización: 2021-03-09
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


my sport hero. my sport hero is basketball since i was a little child i always loved basketball and the person who inspired me is kobe braynt . kobe brayant was an american professional basketball player a shooting guard . he spent his entire 20 year career with los angeles lakers in the national basketball association


my sportheld. my sportheld is basketbal vandat ek 'n klein kind was, was ek nog altyd mal oor basketbal en die persoon wat my geïnspireer het is kobe braynt. kobe brayant was 'n amerikaanse professionele basketbalspeler, 'n skietwagter. hy het sy hele loopbaan van 20 jaar by los angeles lakers in die nasionale basketbal vereniging deurgebring

Última actualización: 2022-01-30
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


moreover from the time that i was appointed to be their governor in the land of judah, from the twentieth year even unto the two and thirtieth year of artaxerxes the king, that is, twelve years, i and my brethren have not eaten the bread of the governor.


ook van die dag af dat ek aangestel is om hulle goewerneur te wees in die land juda, van die twintigste jaar af tot die twee en dertigste jaar van koning artasásta, twaalf jaar lank, het ek en my broers die brood van goewerneurs nie geëet nie;

Última actualización: 2012-05-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


from the time that i was a child my dreams and my plans changed alot, especially when it came to my future, so i started to spend time thinking about what i wanted to. one day i was watching a series with my mom called the flash and i was really interested in the work that the lead actor did , i found that i really enjoyed it so from that day i decided that i want to be a forensic scientist.


van die tyd dat ek 'n kind was, het my drome en my planne baie verander, veral wat my toekoms betref, so ek het tyd begin spandeer om te dink oor wat ek wou hê. die dag toe ek saam met my ma na 'n reeks gekyk het genaamd die flash en ek was baie geïnteresseerd in die werk wat die hoofakteur gedoen het, ek het gevind dat ek dit baie geniet het, so van daardie dag af het ek besluit dat ek 'n forensiese wetenskaplike wil word.

Última actualización: 2022-01-24
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


theyi will never forget it because that day was a nightmare for me because i was on my way to go home when i saw a group of guys sitting in the path which i was going home they had weapons on them at first i was not afraid to passing by them then one of the guys from the group got up and said live your shoes behind and your phone but i thought it was a joke and i continued walking then i had sounds from the back of me get the boy and i run away f


hulle ek sal dit nooit vergeet nie, want daardie dag was vir my 'n nagmerrie, want ek was op pad huis toe toe ek 'n groep ouens sien sit in die pad wat ek huis toe gaan, hulle het eers wapens op gehad, ek was nie bang om by hulle verby te gaan nie, toe staan een van die ouens van die groep op en sê leef jou skoene agter en jou foon, maar ek het gedink dit was 'n grap en ek het aanhou loop, toe kry ek geluide van agter in my kry die seun en ek hardloop weg f

Última actualización: 2024-03-11
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


not to long ago i had a dog named hulk , we had him from the time he was 2 weeks old he was while and black in colour ,i should love playing ball with him , however one day while i was asleep hulk jumped over the wall and run away when i woke up my dad and i went to look for him but he was nowhere to be seen , i then began to cry for my day out off the blue i saw something play by the trees i then got scared an called my dad , we then went to the tree and we see our family dog hulk and i


nie lank gelede nie, ek het 'n hond met die naam hulk gehad, ons het hom gehad vandat hy 2 weke oud was, hy was terwyl en swart van kleur, ek sal daarvan hou om met hom bal te speel, maar eendag terwyl ek geslaap het, het hulk oor die muur gespring en weghardloop toe ek wakker word my pa en ek het hom gaan soek maar hy was nêrens te sien nie , ek het toe vir my hond begin huil.eendag uit die bloute sien ek iets by die bome speel ek word toe bang an het my pa gebel, ons het toe na die boom gegaan en ons sien ons familie hond hulk en ek

Última actualización: 2022-11-10
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


he best day of my life, we had a big party to celebrity it was a massive party my friends and family were allowed to come but not all of them came,we ate delicious food and very tasty,we ate some roasted meet with a side of fried chicken and fried chips with cool drink we were at the water park swimming and playing around i real had a great time i was turning 10 years old, received lot's gifts from my friends and family the was also a field where we played soccer and it was fun even though we lo



Última actualización: 2021-04-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


my favorite pet is a dog my pet dog’s name is bruno. he is from the breed of german shepherds. he is 2 years old, fluffy and black and brown in colour. he gets delighted to see me when i come back from school. he protects our house from intruders, especially at night. he spends most of his time with me and my dad. he is very gentle with us but gets extremely aggressive when he spots a stranger. he goes with my father for morning walks and with me for evening walks. we provide him with healthy food, fresh milk and meat. he loves playing, jumping and running. he is very active all the time. when i am upset, he cheers me up by licking me and showering lots of love. i love him so much.


my dog

Última actualización: 2024-03-12
Frecuencia de uso: 8

Referencia: Anónimo

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