Usted buscó: genuine (Inglés - Afrikaans)

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sy het regtig gekom

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 7


a school is a very genuine place like a trample we go daily to learn


we say good morning to our class teacher daily and she responses with her smiling face

Última actualización: 2020-02-16
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


jy het die hoof van jou skool in sy kantor genuine surf n dialog or wat julie gepraat het


die beste seun maisie in my klas

Última actualización: 2021-03-09
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


manufactured in china at a fraction of the cost of the genuine article, then sold for retail on the open market.


in china gemaak vir 'n fraksie van die koste van die werklike artikel, dan verkoop aan die kleinhandel.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 7

Referencia: Anónimo


"the evil of formal worship cannot be too strongly depicted, but no words can properly set forth the deep blessedness of genuine worship."


"die euwel van formele aanbidding kan nie te sterk uitgebeeld word nie, maar geen woorde kan die diepe saligheid van ware aanbidding behoorlik uiteensit nie."

Última actualización: 2024-01-08
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo
Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible


friendship is when true friends always become free for their friends and ready to help them in their difficult times of life even after being involved in the busy schedule. friendship is a truly priceless relation in this world which can never be bought or sold to anyone. it depends on the true love created in the heart of people involved in the friendship. it never depends on the materialistic pleasure of the world. genuine friends are the real happiness of the life who never forget each other and always support. we as a human being always get problems in the life time to time according to the situation and get difficulty in living the social life which needs emotional and moral support. in such conditions, our true friends plays great role and take us out of the difficulties. a life without true friend is considered as incomplete life. it does not matter that you have a happy and luxurious life however it matters when you does not have any true friends all through the life. a good friend is one whom we can share every small and big happiness, secrets and problems of life without any hesitation. friendship is a relation which prevents us from the emotional problems as it promotes us to share our inner thoughts and feelings. true friends never criticize their friends instead they help them to come out of the shortcomings. they guide them like a tunnel of light whenever one follows wrong path. true friends always understand full rights of them on their friends and advice them truly to chose right path. they take our every mistake seriously and try to show us right way in right direction. we can say that true friend is more precious than any priceless gem in the world


query length limit excedeed. max allowed query : 500 chars

Última actualización: 2019-01-16
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo

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