Usted buscó: i prove my school and is big and clean (Inglés - Afrikaans)

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i prove my school and is big and clean



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my favorite toy is a car i like my truck because it is big and beautiful.


my gunsteling speelding is 'n motor

Última actualización: 2023-02-13
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


i went to church and went to sunday school and readed the bible and afterchuch i went to spar and bought bread for my lunch tomorrow and ironed my school shirt and shots and i helped my mom cook sunday lunch


ek het kerk toe gegaan en sondagskool toe gegaan en bybel gelees en na die tyd het ek spartel toe gegaan en brood gekoop vir my middagete môre en my skoolhemp en skote gestryk en ek het my ma gehelp om sondag middagete te kook

Última actualización: 2022-05-24
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


dear diary. yesterday i woke up in the morning and ate my breakfast and rushed to school and did my school work. at break time i played soccer with my friends and later went back home. i did my homework and prepare school things for tomorrow and after that i played with my friends. i later came back home to eat and bath. i later slept in my bedroom. that was all of it, it is nice to tell you my diary. .


liewe dagboek. gister het ek die oggend wakker geword en my ontbyt geëet en na die skool gehaas en my skoolwerk gedoen. met rustyd het ek saam met my vriende sokker gespeel en is later terug huis toe. ek het my huiswerk gedoen en skooltoerusting vir môre voorberei en daarna met my vriende gespeel. ek het later weer huis toe gekom om te eet en te bad. ek het later in my slaapkamer geslaap. dit was alles; dit is lekker om jou dagboek te vertel.

Última actualización: 2020-02-12
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


bulling became a heburt in schools even in community. bulling is something you do to make yourself feel good but not nowing you hurting others.mostly boys bully boys and girls bully girls, but now even husband and wife bullies each other too. or even parents bulling there own kids. you mostly find those who bully are the one that are dealing with drugs and any other substance. that makes them feel high and strong that's when they start showing it out in a bad way showing others how they have developed power. i remember this girl in my school. she was about thirteen to fourteen years old. she was quit new in the school and didn't know anyone there. she was often bullied at school by both genders.she never spoked up that she was being bullied all times. they would threaten her to beat her up after school. it ended like that.she then moved to another school and became a better person with high grades. some wouldn't even go.they would stay and continue to leave that life. it's so sad that nothing is to be done to thoes bullies. maybe bully them as well but i guess that wouldn't happen because people has taken freedom to another level


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Última actualización: 2019-01-30
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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