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surely you realise she wants you for herself?


onthou jy?

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 7


why abandon me now? don't you realise you are abandoning us?


jy laat ons in die steek, besef jy dit nie?

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 7


when you realise that you're just another statistic, you probably are a mere checklist


as u besef dat u net nog 'n statistiek is, is u slegs 'n blote kontrolelys

Última actualización: 2020-02-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


fellow south africans, working together we can do more to realise our common vision of a better and more prosperous nation!


mede-suid-afrikaners, deur saam te werk kan ons meer doen om ons gedeelde visie te bereik van ´n beter en voorspoediger nasie!

Última actualización: 2011-10-24
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


later they realise that there is no one to play with and they become friends again.they realise that together they are the best of friends


later besef hulle dat daar niemand is om mee te speel nie, en hulle word weer vriende. hulle besef dat hulle saam die beste vriende geëet het

Última actualización: 2021-03-31
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


rhinos in crisis south africa's rhinos are in crisis, and we're doing everything we can to help by channeling public support to selected key reserves and rhino protection projects. you will have heard that there is no 'silver bullet' to end rhino poaching and that it's an incredibly complex battle. never have truer words been spoken. while there are numerous organisations addressing various focus areas, we concentrate on the very basics - keeping rhinos alive and buying them time while diplomatic solutions are sought. we're committed for the long haul, and its going to take all of us to win this. since the start of the poaching epidemic in 2008 south africa has lost over 8 600 rhinos - a figure that, despite so much effort, increases daily. coupled with the increasing poaching figure comes the question - why after all this are we still losing more rhino than ever? sadly, few people realise the challenges facing those on the frontlines. at this stage the poachers have the upper hand – they know when, they know how, and if need be they’ll just come back another day or hit a softer target. the multi-pronged, multi-disciplinary, multi-agency law enforcement approach required to finding lasting solutions to a critical problem like rhino poaching is so complex that even now - 10 years down the line - we have made some (but too little) progress. high level corruption, organised crime, apathy and indifference, inter-agency politics, lack of leadership, co-ordination, capacity, skills or resources are just some of the bigger challenges facing those dedicated environmental crime investigators who remain committed to disrupting and dismantling the poaching syndicates. daily challenges include lack of information sharing, trust issues and a high case load compounded by ongoing and relentless poaching activities – often with very little evidence left at the crime scene, which can be days to months old and at the mercy of the environment. game reserves bear the full brunt of the poaching scourge, with rangers in targeted areas coming into contact with poachers on a daily or weekly basis. while rangers are governed by strict rules of engagement, poachers are armed and will not hesitate to shoot on sight. contrary to popular belief, not all poachers are driven by poverty. criminals involved in cash-in-transit heists, vehicle hijacking, atm bombing, gun-runners, murder and other aggressive crimes have also become involved – significantly increasing the mortal threat to rangers and rhinos alike. great strides have been made on the ground – ranger readiness, the incorporation of various technologies and the role out of security/protection strategies have all contributed to an admirable increase in poacher arrest rates – but no significant progress has been made in toppling the masterminds; the poaching bosses.


Última actualización: 2021-05-16
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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