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thank you for always being there when i need you



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thank you for always being there for me


'n brief aan my tantein

Última actualización: 2022-08-22
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


wishing you a blessed day and thank you for always being here for me


Última actualización: 2024-04-08
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


thank you for always listening and giving me sound advice.


hoop jy het 'n heerlike verjaarsdag gehad

Última actualización: 2024-06-18
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


i would just like to say thank you for all you have done from me. buying me clothing and sneakers help me forgiving me and proving me with a place to stay. i have some to eat before i go to bed making sure i have everything i need everyday for shcool, everything you my parents do for me i appreciate and with that said i would like to say thank you very much mom and dad. appreciate


ek wil net dankie sê vir alles wat u van my af gedoen het. as ek vir my klere en sneakers koop, kan ek my vergewe en my blyplek bewys. ek het nog iets om te eet voordat ek gaan slaap, om seker te maak dat ek elke dag alles benodig wat ek nodig het vir shcool, alles wat u my ouers vir my doen, waardeer ek en daarmee wil ek baie dankie sê vir ma en pa. waardeer

Última actualización: 2020-07-21
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


my role model is my father. he was a very good person.he loved people and he took care of my family. my father taught me a lot of things which inspired me to a very good person in life and to treat everyone with respect. my dad loved my two brothers and he was always there for them when they needed his help.i love my dad for always being there when i needed him the most.he has inspired me to do great things in life and to be kind,loving and respecting to other people.i love my dad very much


he was a great man

Última actualización: 2014-11-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


hi greetings hope you are well. how,s your family doing we are all well at home .how was your party?i will like to apologise for not coming to your party.i hope your birthday party was a best that have ever had.i was not feeling well ,i had really bad flu.i will make up to you and i will give you lot of presents for always being there for me. may god give you lot s and lots of days to live . thank you for all your love you have given me hope to see you again wish you a beautiful life your love


hallo groete hoop dit gaan goed met jou. hoe dit met jou gesin gaan, ons is almal goed by die huis . hoe was jou partytjie? ek wil om verskoning vra dat ek nie na u partytjie gekom het nie. ek hoop jou verjaardagpartytjie was 'n beste wat nog ooit gehad het. ek het nie goed gevoel nie, ek het baie slegte griep gehad. ek sal aan jou opmaak en ek sal vir jou baie geskenke gee om altyd daar te wees vir my. mag god u baie en baie dae gee om te lewe. dankie vir al jou liefde wat jy my hoop gegee het om jou weer te sien wens wens jou 'n pragtige lewe toe

Última actualización: 2023-10-26
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


knowing that you are there for me at all times is all the assurance i need. you are a friend worth keeping until the end of time, and i’m here for you, no matter what comes our way. you will be my best friend and the only one who i will do anything to make happy.when everyone has doubts about me, you give a thousand reasons to defend me. when i’m facing my dark days, you’re always there. when i am in the middle of mishaps, i see you lending out a hand to pull me up with a smile on your fac


om te weet dat jy te alle tye daar is vir my is al die versekering wat ek nodig het. jy is 'n vriend wat die moeite werd is om te hou tot die einde van die tyd, en ek is hier vir jou, maak nie saak wat oor ons pad kom nie. jy sal my beste vriend wees en die enigste een wat ek enigiets sal doen om gelukkig te maak. as almal oor my twyfel, gee jy duisend redes om my te verdedig. wanneer ek my donker dae in die gesig staar, is jy altyd daar. as ek in die middel van ongelukke is, sien ek hoe jy 'n hand uitsteek om my op te trek met 'n glimlag op jou gesig

Última actualización: 2021-11-09
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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