Usted buscó: the planets (Inglés - Afrikaans)

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the planets



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save the planet


red die planeet

Última actualización: 2020-01-30
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


saving the planet


die planeet te red

Última actualización: 2020-02-11
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


welcome to the planet.


welkom by die planet.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 7

Referencia: Anónimo


the most beautiful girl in the planet


die mooiste meisie in die wêreld

Última actualización: 2022-02-09
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


well global warming is an aspect of climate change referring to the long term rise of the planets temperatures. this is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mainly from human activities such as burning fossil fuels and farming


wel aardverwarming is 'n aspek van klimaatsverandering wat verwys na die langtermyn styging van die planete se temperature. dit word veroorsaak deur verhoogde konsentrasies kweekhuisgasse in die atmosfeer, hoofsaaklik van menslike aktiwiteite soos die verbranding van fossielbrandstowwe en boerdery

Última actualización: 2022-09-01
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


greetings my fellow pupils i am someleze dasha and i am honored to be your president of the world it has alwaysbeen a dream of mine to finally rule the world and i made it happen with the help of the people who voted for me to become president of the world i will govern the planet earth with compassion and feel free to ask of me to make the world a better place and always remember my motto is no question is a stupid question and with the help of everyone in the world the earth will become a par


groete my mede-leerlinge ek is someleze dasha en ek is geëerd om u president van die wêreld te wees, dit was nog altyd 'n droom van my om uiteindelik die wêreld te regeer en ek het dit laat gebeur met die hulp van die mense wat vir my gestem het om president te word van die wêreld ek sal die planeet aarde met deernis regeer en voel vry om my te vra om die wêreld 'n beter plek te maak en altyd onthou dat my leuse nie 'n dom vraag is nie en met die hulp van almal in die wêreld sal die aarde 'n par

Última actualización: 2020-08-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


mondeling mars, or the 'red planet' as it is sometimes known, has a dusty, rocky surface and a thin atmosphere. its relatively calm conditions and close proximity to earth make it the most likely destination for future planet exploration by humans. it has already been visited by a number of mars rovers in successful (and unsuccessful) robotic missions. these highly advanced robots gather samples and record important scientific data for scientists back on earth to study. • mars is nicknamed the red planet because it is covered with rust-like dust. even the atmosphere is a pinkish red, colored by tiny particles of dust thrown up from the surface. •mars experiences violent dust storms which continually change its surface. •mars has many massive volcanoes and is home to olympus mons, the largest volcano in our solar system, it stands 21km high and is 600km across the base. •mars has a very thin atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide. it is not thick enough to trap the sun's heat like venus, so the planet is very cold. temperatures range from -120 degrees celsius on winter nights to 25 degrees celsius in the summer. •mars has many channels, plains and canyons on the surface which could have been caused by water erosion in the past. •mars has very weak gravity which cannot hold onto the atmosphere well. •the polar ice caps consist of frozen co2 (dry ice) which lies over a layer of ice. mars, or the 'red planet' as it is sometimes known, has a dusty, rocky surface and a thin atmosphere. its relatively calm conditions and close proximity to earth make it the most likely destination for future planet exploration by humans. it has already been visited by a number of mars rovers in successful (and unsuccessful) robotic missions. these highly advanced robots gather samples and record important scientific data for scientists back on earth to study. • mars is nicknamed the red planet because it is covered with rust-like dust. even the atmosphere is a pinkish red, colored by tiny particles of dust thrown up from the surface. •mars experiences violent dust storms which continually change its surface. •mars has many massive volcanoes and is home to olympus mons, the largest volcano in our solar system, it stands 21km high and is 600km across the base. •mars has a very thin atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide. it is not thick enough to trap the sun's heat like venus, so the planet is very cold. temperatures range from -120 degrees celsius on winter nights to 25 degrees celsius in the summer. •mars has many channels, plains and canyons on the surface which could have been caused by water erosion in the past. •mars has very weak gravity which cannot hold onto the atmosphere well. •the polar ice caps consist of frozen co2 (dry ice) which lies over a layer of ice.



Última actualización: 2014-08-12
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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