Usted buscó: obtain and collect chemical safety instruction (Inglés - Amárico)

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obtain and collect chemical safety instruction



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and collect ( wealth ) and hide it ( from use ) !


ገንዘብን የሰበሰበንና ( ዘካውን ሳይሰጥ ) የቆጠረንም ፤ ( ትጠራለች ) ፡ ፡

Última actualización: 2014-07-02
Frecuencia de uso: 1


and collect ( wealth ) and hide it ( from spending it in the cause of allah ) .


ገንዘብን የሰበሰበንና ( ዘካውን ሳይሰጥ ) የቆጠረንም ፤ ( ትጠራለች ) ፡ ፡

Última actualización: 2014-07-02
Frecuencia de uso: 1


and beguile whomsoever of them you can with your voice , and collect against them your forces riding and on foot , and share with them in wealth and children , and hold out promises to them ; and the shaitan makes not promises to them but to deceive :


« ከእነሱ የቻልከውንም ሰው በድምጽህ አታል ፡ ፡ በእነሱም ላይ በፈረሰኞችህ ፣ በእግረኞችህም ኾነህ ለልብ ፡ ፡ በገንዘቦቻቸውም ፣ በልጆቻቸውም ተጋራቸው ፣ ተስፋ ቃልም ግባላቸው ፡ ፡ ሰይጣንም ማታለልን እንጂ ተስፋ ቃልን አይገባላቸውም ፡ ፡

Última actualización: 2014-07-02
Frecuencia de uso: 1


and accomplish the pilgrimage and the visit for allah , but if , you are prevented , ( send ) whatever offering is easy to obtain , and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches its destination ; but whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of the head , he ( should effect ) a compensation by fasting or alms or sacrificing , then when you are secure , whoever profits by combining the visit with the pilgrimage ( should take ) what offering is easy to obtain ; but he who cannot find ( any offering ) should fast for three days during the pilgrimage and for seven days when you return ; these ( make ) ten ( days ) complete ; this is for him whose family is not present in the sacred mosque , and be careful ( of your duty ) to allah , and know that allah is severe in requiting ( evil ) .


ሐጅንና ዑምራንም ለአላህ ሙሉ ፡ ፡ ብትታገዱም ከሀድይ ( ከመሥዋእት ) የተገራውን ( መሰዋት ) አለባችሁ ፡ ፡ ሀድዩም እስፍራው እስከሚደርስ ድረስ ራሶቻችሁን አትላጩ ፡ ፡ ከናንተም ውስጥ በሽተኛ ወይም በራሱ ሁከት ያለበት የኾነ ሰው ( ቢላጭ ) ከጾም ወይም ከምጽዋት ወይም ከመሥዋዕት ቤዛ አለበት ፡ ፡ ጸጥታም ባገኛችሁ ጊዜ እስከ ሐጅ በዑምራ የተጣቀመ ሰው ከሀድይ የተገራውን ( መሠዋት ) አለበት ፡ ፡ ያላገኘም ሰው ሶስትን ቀኖች በሐጅ ወራት ፤ ሰባትም በተመለሳችሁ ጊዜ መጾም አለበት ፡ ፡ ይህች ሙሉ ዐሥር ( ቀናት ) ናት ፡ ፡ ይህም ( ሕግ ) ቤተሰቦቹ ከቅዱሱ መስጊድ አቅራቢያ ላልኾኑ ነው ፡ ፡ አላህንም ፍሩ ፤ አላህም ቅጣተ ብርቱ መኾኑን እወቁ ፡ ፡

Última actualización: 2014-07-02
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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