Usted buscó: possession (Inglés - Georgiano)

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- also in my possession.


- ვჟრვჟრგვნჲ ოაკ გ მვნ.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


we have in our possession a...


ოპთ ნაჟ ჟვ ოჲწგთ...

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


she too is nothing but a possession!


თ რაა ნვ ვ ნთქრჲ ეპსდჲ ჲჟგვნ ოჲჟვე.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


- general morrison is in my possession.


დვნვპალ მჲპთჟყნ ვ ოპთ მვნ. კაკგჲ?

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


a felon in possession of a firearm.


სდლაგვნ ოპვჟრყონთკ ჟ ჲპყზთვ.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


there is nothing in my possession that was not given to me by domina.


ნვმამ ნთქრჲ ქრჲ ნვ მთ ბთლჲ ეაევნჲ ჲე ეჲმთნა.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


you got 60 days before the new owner takes possession, and you're out of there.


თმარვ 60 ენთ ოპვეთ ნჲგთწრ ჟჲბჟრგვნთკ ეა ჟვ ნანვჟვ თ რჲგა ვ.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


enough even to erase questions of how a blade belonging to the magistrate's son came to your possession.


ეჲგჲლნჲ ეა დთ თჱბპთქამ ოპაქაŒარა ჱა რჲა კაკჲ ნჲზჲრ კჲ£ ოპთოააქვ ნა ჟთნჲრ ნა ჟსეთ£არა ეჲ£ევ კა£ რვბვ.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


well, sir, possession of marijuana is a crime in the state of nevada, so maybe you're better off without it.


დ-ნვ, ოპთრვზანთვრჲ ნა მაპთჳსანა ვ ოპვჟრყოლვნთვ გ ღარა ნვგაეა, რაკა ფვ, მჲზვ ბთ ღვ ვ ოჲ-ეჲბპვ ბვჱ ნვწ.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


i haven't the faintest idea how this map came to be in your possession but quite frankly, i am astounded that you didn't hand it in.


ნვმამ თევ£ა კაკჲ ჟთ ეჲქჲლ ეჲ ჲგაა მაოა. ნჲ, თჟკპვნჲ, თჱნვნაევნ ჟსმ ქრჲ ნვ £ა ოპვეაევ.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


with it, they can conjure the blue fire of lightning, can convey themselves as if on a gust of wind, and, fortunately, few of the items in my possession are of use to anyone who has not invited the dark forces into his soul.


ჟჲ ნვდჲ, რთვ მჲზარ ეა ოპაგარ მადთთ ჟჲ ჟთნთჲრ ჲდან ნა ჟგვრლთნარა, მჲზარ ეა ჟვ რპანჟოჲპრთპაარ კაკჲ ნალვრ ნა გვრვპჲრ, თ ჱა ჟპვა, ნვკჲლკს ჲე ოპვემვრთრვ კჲთ დთ ოჲჟვესგამ მჲზარ ეა მს კჲპთჟრარ ნა ჟვკჲ£

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


textthe christmas present one dollar and eighty-seven cents. that was all. and sixty cents of it was in pennies. pennies which della had saved one at a time. three times della counted it. one dollar and eighty-seven cents. and the next day would be christmas. while della is crying in this way, let us take a look at the home in which she lives. it is a small furnished apartment at eight dollars a week, and it is a very poor one. everywhere there are signs of poverty. della finished crying, got up, and began to powder her face. she stood by the window and looked out with little interest at a gray cat walking along a gray fence in a gray backyard. tomorrow would be christmas day, and she had only $ 1.87 with which to buy jim, her husband, a present. she had been saving every penny she could for months with this result. twenty dollars a week doesn't go far. expenses had been greater than she expected. they always are. only $ 1.87 to buy a present for jim. she had spent many happy hours planning for something nice for him, something fine and rare, something worthy of the honor of being owned by jim. there was a narrow mirror between the windows of the room. suddenly della turned from the window and stood before the mirror. her eyes suddenly began to shine brilliantly, although her face turned a little pale. rapidly she pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length. now, there were two possessions in which jim and della took great pride. one was jim’s gold watch, that had previously been his father’s and, before that, his grand-father’s. the other was della's beautiful hair, which now fell about her shoulders like a beautiful cascade of water. it reached below her knees. quickly, now, she combed it again and arranged in her style. she put on her old brown coat. she put on her old brown hat. with her eyes shining, she flew out of the room and down the stairs to the street. she walked some distance and finally stopped at a shop with a sign which read: “madame sofronio, hair goods of all kinds.” della ran up the stairs to the second floor where the shop was located. she was breathing heavily. “will you buy my hair?” asked della. “i buy hair”, said madame. “take your hat off and let me have a look at it.” della removed her hat and let fall her beautiful hair. “twenty dollars”, said madame, feeling the hair with her experienced hand. “give it to me quickly”, said della.



Última actualización: 2014-12-11
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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