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osteoarthritis susceptibility 5


ostioartritis shel perek hayerex

Última actualización: 2014-12-09
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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migraine with or without aura, susceptibility to, 1



Última actualización: 2014-12-09
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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for example, the magnetic susceptibility of diamagnets such as water is .


לדוגמה, הסוספטיביליות המגנטית של חומר דיאמגנטי כגון מים היא .

Última actualización: 2016-03-03
Frecuencia de uso: 2


these persons did not show any specific characteristics such as age that may be indicative of a higher susceptibility to white coat hypertension.


אנשים אלה לא הראו שום מאפיינים ספציפיים כמו גיל שעשויים להצביע על רגישות גבוהה יותר לתסמונת החלוק הלבן.

Última actualización: 2016-03-03
Frecuencia de uso: 2


the greater the electric susceptibility, the greater the ability of a material to polarize in response to the field, and thereby reduce the total electric field inside the material (and store energy).


בפיזיקה, הסוספטיביליות החשמלית (לעתים "היענות" או "מניחוּת"; באנגלית: electric susceptibility) של חומר דיאלקטרי, המסומנת formula_1, הוא מדד של הקלות בה ניתן לקטב אותו באמצעות שדה חשמלי.

Última actualización: 2016-03-03
Frecuencia de uso: 2

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effect of biological pretreatment on biomass characteristics biological pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass using white-rot fungi changes the biochemical and physical characteristic of the biomass (fig. 2). lignin degradation is the point of interest in many studies. for examples, lignin loss of corn straw was up to 54.6% after 30 days pretreatment with t. versicolor (yu et al. 2010b); bamboo culm was > 20% after 4 weeks pretreatment with echinodontium taxodii 2538 and t. versicolor g20 (zhang et al. 2007b); and wheat straw was 39.7% decreased after pretreatment with p. ostreatus (zadražil and puniya 1994). the degradation of lignin by white-rot fungi is a non-specific oxidative process that finally results in complete degradation of the lignin. peer-reviewed review article isroi et. al. (2011). “biological pretreatment: review,” bioresources 6(4), 5224-5259. 5232 fig. 2. schematic diagram of biological pretreatment of lignocelluloses. white-rot fungi decrease lignin content and alter chemical and physical structures of lignocelluloses that make biodegradation of lignocelluloses more efficient. white-rot fungi have unique capability to depolymerise, cleave carbon-carbon linkages, and mineralize lignin by ligninolytic enzymes. studies with 14c labeled lignin showed that white-rot fungi degraded them into 14co2 (lundquist et al. 1977; agosin, daudin and odier 1985; pérez and jeffries 1990; hofrichter et al. 1999). pleurotus ostreatus and b. adusta are highly specific lignin degraders based on 14c-lignin-labeled degradation analysis (agosin, daudin and odier 1985). changes in the ratio between phydroxyphenyl (h), guaiacyl (g), and syringyl (s) lignin units were analysed using pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. it was shown that 10 u of peroxidase per mg of straw decreased the proportion of phenolic h units from 31% in the control to 3% in the treated straw, the g units from 40 to 4%, and completely removed the small amount of phenolic s units present in wheat straw (camarero et al. 2001). it is proposed that the susceptibility of the lignin units are in the following order: s>g>h. in general, biomass with s-rich lignins is more susceptible to fungal degradation than other lignin units (valmaseda et al. 1991). hemicellulose is easier to degrade than other components in lignocellulosic biomass. white-rot fungus such as p. chrysosporium (kirk and cullen 1998), phlebia floridensis (sharma and arora 2010), c. subvermispora (mendonça et al. 2008), pleurotus ostreatus (baldrian et al. 2005), and pleurotus dryinus (kachlishvili et al. 2005) were shown to produce multiple endoxylanases. compositional analyses of corn stover showed that during the 30 days biodegradation, white-rot fungi mainly degraded hemicellulose by 24.4 to 34.9% (yang et al. 2010). corn stover pretreated using c. subvermispora for 18 days lost up to 22.5% of hemicelluloses, and chinese-willow pretreated using echinodontium taxodii 2538 for 120 days lost 54.8% of its hemicellulose (yu et al. 2009a). degradation of hemicellulose combined with degradation of lignin may decrease recalcitration of lignocelluloses to enzymatic hydrolysis, but xylan loss increases the risk of lowering all sugar recovery in the bioconversion process (yu et al. 2010a).


ההשפעה של טיפול מקדים ביולוגי על מאפייני ביומסה טיפול מקדים ביולוגי של ביומסה ליגנוצלולוזית באמצעות פטריות ריקבון לבנות משנה את המאפיין הביוכימי והפיזי של הביומסה (איור 2). השפלת ליגנין היא נקודת העניין במחקרים רבים. לדוגמה, אובדן ליגנין של קש תירס היה עד 54.6% לאחר 30 ימים לפני הטיפול עם t. versicolor (yu et al. 2010b); אשמת במבוק היה 20% לאחר 4 שבועות לפני הטיפול עם echinodontium taxodii 2538 ו - t. versicolor g2

Última actualización: 2023-01-20
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo
Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible

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