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i studied and did my homework before sleep



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yesterday i did my homework


kemarin saya mengerjakan tugas rumah

Última actualización: 2021-02-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


i immediately prayed asr and did my schoolwork until 6 pm. i prayed maghrib and rested for dinner and played on my cellphone for a while. then i continued to study until 9 pm. before going to sleep i don't forget to do the isya prayer, and play my cellphone. at 11 o'clock at night i fell asleep


aku lansung sholat ashar dan mengerjakan tugas sekolah sampai pukul 6 sore. aku melaksanakan sholat maghrib dan beristirahat makan malam dan memainkan handphoneku sebentar. kemudian aku lanjut belajar sampai pukul 9 malam. sebelum tidur aku tidak lupa untuk melaksanakan sholat isya, dan memainkan handphone ku. pada pukul 11 malam aku pun tidur

Última actualización: 2022-02-15
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


yesterday i did my homework as usual. after i finish my homework, i wash my clothes and then i dry the clothes when the sun rises. when my clothes finally dry, i iron them at night. then i tidy up my clothes before i put my clothes in the closet. after that i made my bed. after all my work is done, i usually continue to rest. after resting, i will sleep


kemarin saya mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya seperti biasa. setelah saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya, saya mencuci pakaian saya dan kemudian saya mengeringkan pakaian ketika matahari terbit. ketika pakaian saya akhirnya kering, saya menyetrikanya di malam hari. kemudian saya merapikan pakaian saya sebelum saya meletakkan pakaian saya di lemari. setelah itu saya membereskan tempat tidur saya. setelah semua pekerjaanku selesai, aku biasanya lanjut istirahat. setelah istirahat, aku akan tid

Última actualización: 2024-05-08
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


after my prayer i took a short break, then i prepared to go extra basketball, after that i said goodbye to my parents' head to go basketball, i extra basketball from half 3 pm to half 6 pm, after 05.30 pm i went home and took a shower, changed my clothes and prayed magrib. after the magrib prayer i studied and taught homework until half past 9 pm then after that i prayed and slept


setelah salat zuhur saya istirahat sebentar, lalu saya bersiap siap untuk pergi ekstra basket, setelah itu saya berpamitan kepada ketua orang tua saya untuk pergi berangkat basket, saya ekstra basket dari pukul setengah 3 sore hingga setengah 6 sore, setelah pukul 05.30 sore saya pulang ke rumah lalu mandi, ganti baju lalu salat magrib. setelah salat magrib saya belajar dan mengajarkan pr hingga pukul setengah 9 malam lalu setelah itu saya salat lalu tidur

Última actualización: 2024-04-14
Frecuencia de uso: 15

Referencia: Anónimo


a pandemic has occurred in indonesia one year ago, during this pandemic i studied and did other activities at home, initially studying at home was very fun, but after 3 months i was learning through online media which was quite boring. because i cannot communicate directly with my classmates and teachers, as well as activities outside of classroom learning such as sports activities, extracurricular activities, national celebrations such as august 17 which are now forced to stop during the pandemic. but apart from that, i am grateful that i can still learn in the midst of a pandemic that has lasted quite a long time, especially last year's ramadan which is my first experience of feeling full time at home with my family, doing worship together, breaking fast together and other activities that i do with my family. my hope is that this pandemic will end soon because i really miss studying and playing with my friends at school.


Última actualización: 2021-03-01
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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