Usted buscó: when dont you go and get something to eat( (Inglés - Indonesio)

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when dont you go and get something to eat(



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something to differentiate yourself from the pack and get diners talking to their friends about your food.


salah satunya, memberikan sentuhan berbeda pada menu, sehingga pengunjung tak henti-hentinya membicarakan makanan anda.

Última actualización: 2021-05-09
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Agwingate
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he often visited his aunt and she always gave him something when he was leaving her house. sometimes she gave him something to eat. sometimes she gave him something to wear sometimes she gave him something to play with she always gave him something


dia sering mengunjungi bibinya dan dia selalu memberinya sesuatu ketika dia meninggalkan rumahnya. terkadang dia memberinya sesuatu untuk dimakan. terkadang dia memberinya sesuatu untuk dikenakan, terkadang dia memberinya sesuatu untuk dimainkan, dia selalu memberinya sesuatu

Última actualización: 2019-02-14
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


my name is ahmad raynald ifadas every day after i wake up from sleep at 4 am tama first tama i rushed to morning prayers after that i cleaned the entire room and room in my house then i gave feed to my farm animals like chicken goat duck fish after all it has been given feed i prepare ay cut order for my customers every day after i rushed to eat breakfast then cleaned the body and get ready to follow kela


nama ku ahmad raynald ifadas setiap hari setelah aku terbangun dari tidur pada pukul 4 pertama kali yg aku lakukan aku bergegas untuk sholat subuh setelah itu aku membersihkan seluruh ruangan dan kamar yg ada di rumah ku lalu aku memberikan pakan kepada hewan ternak aku seperti ayam kambing bebek ikan setelah semua nya sudah diberikan pakan aku menyiapkan pesanan ayam potong untuk pelangganku setiap hari nya setelah aku bersegera untuk makan pagi lalu membersihkan badan dan bersiap siap untuk mengikuti kelas perkuliahan

Última actualización: 2021-10-07
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


i do, like i still do you know you have reaped what you sow you know you are the reason you are alone you say i am your super hero but sometimes super hero cannot save everyone i have to let go and see you fall and i can save you but you don't want me to do it so i let you go and i see you fall and i can save you but you don't want me to do it jad


saya lakukan, seperti saya masih melakukannya anda tahu anda telah menuai apa yang telah anda tabur anda tahu anda adalah alasan anda sendirian anda bilang saya adalah pahlawan super anda tapi terkadang pahlawan super tidak bisa menyelamatkan semua orang aku harus melepaskannya dan melihatmu jatuh dan aku bisa menyelamatkanmu tetapi anda tidak ingin saya melakukannya jadi aku membiarkanmu pergi dan aku melihatmu jatuh dan aku bisa menyelamatkanmu tetapi anda tidak ingin saya melakukannya jad

Última actualización: 2020-04-16
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


morning: i wake up at 5:00 am and start my day. the first thing i did was take a shower to freshen up. after getting dressed, i headed to the kitchen for breakfast. at 06.30 i was ready to go to school. afternoon: i spend my mornings and afternoons at school studying. i took a midday break to eat lunch and relax for a bit. evening: after leaving school at around 15.15, i went home, took a shower and rested for a while until evening. i use the evenings to complete personal tasks. around 22.00, i started to relax and get ready for bed to restore energy the next day.


morning: i wake up at 5:00 am and start my day. the first thing i did was take a shower to freshen up. after getting dressed, i headed to the kitchen for breakfast. at 06.30 i was ready to go to school. afternoon: i spend my mornings and afternoons at school studying. i took a midday break to eat lunch and relax for a bit. evening: after leaving school at around 15.15, i went home, took a shower and rested for a while until evening. i use the evenings to complete personal tasks. around 22.00, i started to relax and get ready for bed to restore energy the next day.

Última actualización: 2024-01-25
Frecuencia de uso: 7

Referencia: Anónimo

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