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i tried my best and now i'm tired



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i tried my best


awak sudah cuba yang terbaik

Última actualización: 2020-12-26
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


i've tried my best


saya sudah cuba yang terbaik.maaf kan saya

Última actualización: 2022-03-31
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


i will do my best and i can afford it


saya akan buat yang lebih baik pada masa akan datang

Última actualización: 2022-03-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


i will do my best and be able to


terima kasih kerana prihatin

Última actualización: 2021-05-01
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


o allah, verily i have tried my best but i am satisfied with your provision o allah


ya allah, sesungguhnya aku telah berusaha sedaya yang mampu tapi aku redha dengan ketentuan mu ya allah

Última actualización: 2020-05-24
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


worked hard for my other exams and tried my best instead of depending on my luck


saya bekerja keras untuk peperiksaan saya yang lain dan mencuba yang terbaik selain bergantung kepada nasib saya.

Última actualización: 2022-07-19
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


although my perfomance was not so stimulating that my probation period was resumed, i tried my best to complete the task given


walaupun perfomance saya tidaklah memberansangkan sehinggakan tempoh probation saya disambung namun saya telah cuba sehabis baik dalam menyiapkan tugasan yang diberikan

Última actualización: 2023-12-13
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


happy new year u, thankyou for being my best friend until now, i'm sorry for all my mistake, i hope i can be the good girl for you


selamat tahun baru u, thankyou sebab jadi kawan baik saya sampai sekarang, maafkan segala salah silap saya, saya harap saya boleh jadi perempuan yang baik untuk awak

Última actualización: 2022-01-01
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


i know that dress is karma perfume regret you got me thinking about when you were mine and now i'm all up on ya all up on ya what you expect oh baby but you're not coming home with me tonight you just want attention you don't want my heart maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone new yeah you just want attention i knew from the start you're just making sure i'm never getting over you


saya tahu bahawa pakaian adalah minyak wangi karma menyesal anda membuat saya berfikir tentang bilakah kau milikku dan sekarang saya semua terpulang pada ya semua terpulang pada apa yang anda harapkan oh bayi tetapi anda tidak datang rumah saya malam ini anda hanya mahu perhatian yang anda tidak mahu saya mungkin hati anda hanya benci pemikiran saya dengan seseorang yang baru ya anda hanya mahu perhatian yang saya tahu dari mula anda hanya menjadikan pasti saya tidak pernah mendapat kamu

Última actualización: 2017-07-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


my name is ahmed i'm 22 years old, i'm from libya and i have been here in malaysia since 2012, i went to primary school in libya then i started my high school here in malaysia and now i'm doing my bachelor degree in iukl and my major international business my hobbies swimming and playing football i have experience about cars, and now i'm looking to be great businessman in the future


nama saya ahmed saya berumur 22 tahun, saya dari libya dan saya telah berada di malaysia sejak tahun 2012, saya pergi ke sekolah rendah di libya kemudian saya memulakan schoo tinggi saya di sini di malaysia dan sekarang saya melakukan bachelor ijazah dan perniagaan antarabangsa utama saya hobi saya berenang dan bermain bola sepak saya mempunyai pengalaman mengenai kereta, dan kini saya ingin menjadi ahli perniagaan yang hebat di masa depan

Última actualización: 2019-12-10
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


concerning the above, i would like to apologize for not paying my monthly installments for many months. the reason i couldn't pay was because of the bad financial problem in my family due to the covid 19 pandemic. however, yesterday 29 september 2021 i have tried my best and managed to pay one month installment. i would like to appeal to lhdnm for discount on the total outstanding tax amount and the monthly installment payment because iand my family are still under tight financial problem due to


mengenai perkara di atas, saya ingin meminta maaf kerana tidak membayar ansuran bulanan saya selama berbulan-bulan. sebab saya tidak dapat membayar adalah kerana masalah kewangan keluarga saya yang teruk disebabkan oleh pandemi covid 19. namun, semalam 29 september 2021 saya telah mencuba yang terbaik dan berjaya membayar ansuran satu bulan. saya ingin memohon kepada lhdnm untuk mendapatkan potongan atas jumlah cukai yang belum dijelaskan dan pembayaran ansuran bulanan kerana saya dan keluarga saya masih menghadapi masalah kewangan yang teruk kerana

Última actualización: 2021-09-30
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


teachers day quoteson this day we honour teachers like you, who give of themselves in all that they do. so thank you, my teacher, for all that you gave. i am grateful to be your student. thank you for challenging me to be my best and instilling in me a passion for learning. happy teacher's day!


pada hari ini kami menghormati guru-guru seperti anda, yang memberikan diri mereka dalam semua yang mereka lakukan. terima kasih cikgu atas semua yang cikgu berikan. saya bersyukur menjadi pelajar awak. terima kasih kerana mencabar saya untuk menjadi yang terbaik dan menanamkan semangat untuk belajar. selamat hari guru!

Última actualización: 2023-05-17
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


“as a mother, i wished we could have exchanged places.” in a single sentence, noorlela abdul hamed sums up the years spent watching her son irfan go through a childhood of tubes inserted into his body, medical tests, blood transfusions and eventually, the removal of his spleen at age six. this, as she also juggled financial difficulties coping with irfan’s medical bills, work, and caring for her other children and family members. now 18, irfan was born with thalassemia major, a life-threatening blood disorder that leads to serious anemia. severe cases can lead to organ damage, which can be fatal. positive and forward-looking by nature, noorlela’s sunny demeanor belies the considerable challenges she had to navigate while caring for irfan. “i have parents who stay together with me, then i have other children...the youngest who's having asthma as well, my step mom was having a stroke then my dad who was just a cancer survivor...a lot of things happened,” shares noorlela, who goes by lela. she adds: “of course i don't want to see my son suffering. it’s very painful. [irfan] needs blood [transfusions] for the entire of his life. because he has no spleen now, he needs antibiotics until the end of his life.” caregivers, she notes, often do not know whom they can turn to and trust with their feelings. “sometimes they keep it to themselves. you know, you think you can swallow alone but at the end of the day, you choke.” says lela. it is this group of parents that new-i, a cyber counselling tool in the form of a mobile app, seeks to help. caregiver emotions through a new eye developed in singapore by a team of researchers from nanyang technological university (ntu), new-i, or narrative e-writing intervention, is currently being tested as a pilot funded by temasek foundation under its smf research grant programme. over four weeks, participants pen their thoughts in short writing exercises on the app, which are structured to help them reflect on their caregiving journey and process their emotions, with input from a counsellor. participants’ entries are compiled and edited into an illustrated digital “legacy book” at the end of the exercise, which serves as a memory of their thoughts, feelings and experiences of caring for their child. currently, the new-i team works with cerebral palsy alliance singapore, club rainbow (singapore), kk women’s and children’s hospital, muscular dystrophy association (singapore) and rare disorders society (singapore) to bring participants onboard the pilot. according to the new-i team, typical challenges faced by parent-caregivers of children with chronic life-threatening illnesses include psychological distress and emotional pain regarding the diagnosis, feelings of loss and grief on a daily basis as they cope with their child’s deteriorating health, financial concerns and the struggle to dedicate time to their relationships with their spouses and family members. they may also unintentionally neglect their other healthy children, while frequent communication with healthcare teams may cause anxiety and distress if they do not feel sufficiently engaged in making care decisions for their child, shares dr oindrila dutta, co-investigator of the new-i research team. as associate professor andy ho, principal investigator of the research team, puts it, “the quality of care patients receive is only as good as the quality of health of their caregivers.” the app aims to provide psycho-social support and useful resources to parents, while giving them an opportunity to reflect on their journey — time they otherwise might not carve out for themselves amid the day-to-day demands of caregiving. through the pilot, the researchers are collecting data, including examining the design and feasibility of the app and monitoring outcomes. outcomes of the pilot so far showed that after completing new-i, parents report an improvement in their quality of life, overall spiritual well-being, their inner sense of meaning and peace and feel more optimistic about the social support that is available to them. they also report reduction in their caregiver burden. the findings of the pilot could help inform potential larger-scale implementation of new-i in the future, thereby being available to, and supporting more parent-caregivers in singapore. some 54 participants have enrolled and completed the pilot, among them lela. a legacy of love lela had found solace in writing a letter about her grief over unexpectedly losing her younger son zikry a few years ago. the pain and shock of losing zikry had been a powerful one. “i can't describe it in words but the nearest i can say it's like you are tearing your own skin and you are pouring salt on the broken skin,” says lela. on hearing that lela had found writing to be a good outlet for her feelings, a social worker from club rainbow encouraged her to write about irfan in the new-i app, to document her experience as a caregiver to a child with a chronic and life-threatening condition. in writing about her years caring for irfan, lela focused on the positive moments — the positivity she has tried to instill in irfan in dealing with his condition, the special moments they share together over meals and holidays, the loving support of her husband and mother in managing the ups and downs of her journey. “i’ve always felt that every day is a special day. spending time alone with him is important. sometimes we do go out, spend our time together, like [we are] dating. all these important moments are very precious,” she says. the experience of writing on new-i was a cathartic one. “after i pour everything out, of course i feel more stronger. i feel like oh, i’ve been through all this. “i can see that, i’m strong, and it really comes out as a beautiful story. and i really will keep [the legacy document] for the rest of my whole life,” says lela. although irfan is now old enough to manage his health well, lela has her moments of worry. “yearly, irfan must go through the mri. so that’s also a very crucial point. they are looking for any change in size of the organs,” she explains. “that’s the worst fear. if he goes off before me, i can just be thankful for the precious moments that i have with him. he’s a good boy,” she says. pausing as she becomes emotional, she continues: “i think he has fight, strong enough to be where he is today. as a mother, i only can pray for the best.” having cared for irfan all these years, she understands the emotional weight borne by parents like her, and urges parents to always seek a listening ear. “when you are at the stage of time, when you are having this problem, a lot of things will mess up your brain. but this app will help you to tone down,” she notes. irfan, for his part, is proud of how lela has raised him to come to terms with his condition. “there was one point of time i also realised i couldn't be the same as others even though i tried my hardest,” says irfan, a polytechnic student. “my mum always motivates me, reminding me that even when people are given disabilities, they will also be given special strengths that other people don’t have,” he says. “i feel very appreciative of my mother, for putting all this effort just to take care of all of us. i feel very blessed to have her as my mum. lela, reflecting on her journey, says the new-i app summarised everything “in a very beautiful manner”. “growing up with irfan like this, i don’t find it as a burden. i feel maybe it colours my life beautifully, that i have experienced all sorts of things together with him,” she says. irfan adds: “to parents who have children with such conditions, don’t give up on your children, because even though they are special in their own ways, they are still able to do great things in the future.” this story was funded in part by temasek foundation. visit our promise page to find out how we maintain editorial integrity while balancing our needs as a non-profit. about new-i new-i, or narrative e-writing intervention, is a cyber-counselling app for parents of children with chronic and life-threatening conditions, developed by a team from nanyang technological university. over four weeks, participants pen their thoughts on the app, which helps them reflect on their caregiving journey and process their emotions with input from a counsellor. their entries are compiled into an illustrated “legacy book” at the end of the exercise, which is intended to provide solace after their child’s passing. the app is being implemented as a pilot funded by temasek foundation under its


Última actualización: 2024-02-05
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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