Usted buscó: you have one of the good galleries i've seen ... (Inglés - Malayo)

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you have one of the good galleries i've seen today



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then we gave him the good tidings of isaac, a prophet, one of the righteous.


dan kami pula berikan kepadanya berita yang mengembirakan, bahawa ia akan beroleh (seorang anak): ishak, yang akan menjadi nabi, yang terhitung dari orang-orang yang soleh.

Última actualización: 2014-07-03
Frecuencia de uso: 1


give of the good things you have earned, and from what we have produced for you from the earth.


belanjakanlah (pada jalan allah) sebahagian dari hasil usaha kamu yang baik-baik, dan sebahagian dari apa yang kami keluarkan dari bumi untuk kamu.

Última actualización: 2014-07-03
Frecuencia de uso: 1


so god said: "descend. you have no right to be insolent here. go, and away; you are one of the damned."


allah berfirman: "turunlah engkau dari syurga ini, kerana tidak patut engkau berlaku sombong di dalamnya; oleh sebab itu keluarlah, sesungguhnya engkau dari golongan yang hina".

Última actualización: 2014-07-03
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible


'assembly' said pharaoh, 'i do not know that you have any god except me' 'o haman, kindle a fire upon clay and make me a tower so that i can climb to see the god of moses, i think that he is one of the liars'


dan firaun pula berkata: "wahai orang-orangku, aku tidak mengetahui ada bagi kamu sebarang tuhan yang lain daripadaku; oleh itu, wahai haman, bakarkanlah untukku batu-bata, serta binalah untukku bangunan yang tinggi, supaya aku naik melihat tuhan musa (yang dikatakannya itu); dan sesungguhnya aku percaya adalah musa dari orang-orang yang berdusta".

Última actualización: 2014-07-03
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible


and we gave him the good news of [the birth of] isaac, a prophet, one of the righteous.


dan kami pula berikan kepadanya berita yang mengembirakan, bahawa ia akan beroleh (seorang anak): ishak, yang akan menjadi nabi, yang terhitung dari orang-orang yang soleh.

Última actualización: 2014-07-03
Frecuencia de uso: 1


your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. if you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of diskspace. try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem.


sessi anda hanya bertahan kurang dari 10 saatjika anda tidak log keluar sendiri, ini memungkinkan terdapat masalah pemasangan atauanda mungkin kehabisan ruang cakera. cuba logmasuk dengan salah satu sessi failsafe untukmelihat samada anda boleh memperbetulkan masalah ini.

Última actualización: 2014-08-20
Frecuencia de uso: 1


they said, 'mighty prince, he has a father, aged and great with years; so take one of us in his place; we see that thou art one of the good-doers.'


sesungguhnya ia (bunyamin), mempunyai bapa yang sudah tua, lagi berpangkat. oleh itu, ambilah salah seorang di antara kami sebagai gantinya; sesungguhnya kami memandangmu dari orang-orang yang sentiasa berbudi ".

Última actualización: 2014-07-03
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible


in addition, we also promote our products through advertising and aired on television as well as youtube. this platform is one of the good methods to attract the attention of those who do not have social media, especially for the elderly.


selain itu, kami juga mempromosikan produk kami melalui pengiklanan dan ditayangkan di televisyen dan juga youtube. platform ini merupakan salah satu kaedah yang baik untuk menarik perhatian golongan golongan yang tiada media sosial khususya bagi golongan tua.

Última actualización: 2021-12-31
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


the query result has been truncated. either the local or a remote limit on the maximum number of returned hits has been exceeded. you can try to increase the local limit in the configuration dialog, but if one of the configured servers is the limiting factor, you have to refine your search.


hasil pertanyaan telah dipangkas. bilangan maksimum pengembalian pertanyaan melebihi had setempat atau had jauh. anda boleh cuba menambah had setempat dalam dialog konfigurasi, tetapi jika salah satu pelayan yang dikonfigur adalah faktor pengehad, anda perlu menghalusi carian anda. @ title

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


based on the study found in the case study. one of the problems encountered was damaged goods. this complaint was made by shoppe customers. it is proved when the goods have reached their house, the goods do not arrive in good condition and thus make the quality of the goods not as good as in the picture. .


berdasarkan kajian yang didapati dalam case study. salah satu masalah yang dihadapi adalah barang rosak. aduan ini telah dibuat oleh para pelanggan shoppe. ia dibuktikan apabila barang telah sampai pada rumah mereka, barang tidak sampai dalam keadaan baik dan sekali gus menjadikan kualiti barang itu tidak sebaik dalam gambar. .

Última actualización: 2021-12-16
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


google translet malay to someone has removed me from a whatsapp group, how do i add myself back without anyone else adding me? how do i (as the admin) add myself back into my whatsapp group if the remaining members can’t add me either? i set up a family group as the admin then removed my self how do i return to the group someone removed me from a group in whatsapp without my knowledge. how do i add myself back? how do you rejoin a whatsapp group without other members of the group adding you back? if someone removes me from a whatsapp group and the group is still in my chat list, can i still see who is in the group? how do i get back to a whatsapp group if someone removes me? how can i know who removed me from a whatsapp group? if you are not the group administrator and you have been removed from that group them there is no way that you can add youself on that group back because only the admin can add someone to the group or remove someone from the group. so now you have to ask the admin of the group to add you back to the group . you don't have any other choice. please see my answer here abi owoaje's answer to how can i add myself to a whatsapp group? someone has removed me from a whatsapp group how do i add my self back without anyone else addi g me how do i get back into a whatsapp group after i've been removed without adding me? how can i protect myself from being removed from a whatsapp group? how can you become part of a whatsapp group without permission? i am removed as a whatsapp admin. how do i know who removed me as the admin, if there are multiple admins in the group? how do i leave a whatsapp group permanently so that nobody could add me back? hey great question bro ! this is very easy to join whatsapp group if someone removed you. 1)first download textnow app from play store and create your account and take a us number enter country code +206 and select a random number. 2) now create whatsapp account of that number that you created in textnow. note: select call instead of sms to verify otp because text now not support sms until you buy it. 3) after creating whatsapp account of your fake number simply join that group using invitation link. 4) now after joining go to settings in whatsapp account>> and change your number. 5) change your what you must have an invitation link atleast. else no solutions i guess you are very new to the world of whatsapp.. only admin of that group can add a particular member to a group and he can remove anyone ..if you want to join any group contact the admin and ask him to add you back. that’s not possible. someone should add u & every1 will see that u r added by that particular person i am sorry but it is not possible to add yourself into a group that you have been removed from. only admins can add you back. that's the only options. i guess you’ll have to request whatsapp to add this feature in their next release, as you cannot add yourself on your own to the whatsapp groups. still, you can always do one thing. create a new group and add all the people from your former whatsapp group so that you don’t miss out. you cant add your self directly, but there is a chance to add your self, that is you need to create a whatsapp group invitation link before you are leave group , other wise get group invitation link from other groups member you have the right to create a group invitation link. only the group administrators can add you back to the group and they only can remove you from the group.. so contact the group administrator and ask him or her to add you back… you can’t. you can add yourself to a whatsapp group only when you create the group and you would be the admin. if you were the only admin in the group and left the group, another person in the group would randomly be designated as the new admin after you left. you can ask this person to re-invite you to the group. if it is some other group you want to be added to, only the group admins in the group can add you to the group. they can do this by either of the two options[1]: add participants invite via link footnotes [1] whatsapp faq - using group chats i want to file a case against a whatsapp admin for removing me and my spouse from a group without a valid reason. can it be done as it has affected us mentally? if you are in the usa, you can “file a case” against anyone for anything. in this particular situation, your “case” will be laughed out of court, and you have no hope of success. whatsapp has a “terms of service” contract which you agreed to, and that tos allows them to remove any user from their platform for any reason. if someone removes me from a whatsapp group and the group is still in my chat list, can i still see who is in the group? yes. if a person on whatsapp deletes another user from a whatsapp group, the deleted/kicked user can see all the actions that have happened before he/she was removed from this specific group. if someone sent a message before the person got removed, that person can still see that message, except replying as the user in question is already removed from the group and can't interact in this group anymore. if another user (b) was added or removed before the user (a) in question was removed, the user (a) in question can see the notification about the fact that user (b) was added/removed from the whats is it possible to add a friend after removing him/her from whatsapp? yes,by simply adding their contact.either if you block then you can easily unblock through settings -privacy- block contacts then long press the contact you got the option how can you become part of a whatsapp group without permission? it is inherent in the feature of an administrator of a group to add new members. other members of the group cannot add you. now in other words you will need to pass through them to join the group. most atimes it's the administrator who is a leader and manager of the group. others send complaints and feedback to this administrator. for this moment you will need the administrator to add you. how can you make your number permanent so that no admin can remove you from a whatsapp group? it is possible only if you had created the group yourself and had never exited the group before. so even if you assign other people as group admins they can't remove your number or dismiss you as the group admin because you are the one who created the group. but make sure that even if you exit the group once by yourself, you lose the ownership of the group and even if others add you back you lose your admin status. even after giving you admin access again you don't get back the ownership of your group. there will be an invite link for every group. if you can find that then you can join. but some admin must send that invite link to you or you can use the link that is sent to someone else. (note:- it's possible only when the link is ‘not' revoked) why do people revoke a whatsapp group? because when group admin share group link then other mambers also share group link so that more and more member can be added to group. but some time people from other states/ countries got the group link and start joining the group. and the group admin may not want this. so to prevent other states / countries people joining the group he revoke the link so that no more people can join the group by using that link. hope you get it.. how can i protect myself from being removed from a whatsapp group? become admin of the group then remove all other admin and add them again. so now only you decide who stayes in group in who will not so one can remove you. how do i exit a whatsapp group without any notification to group members? yes, follow these: mute group notifications block group members leave the group why am i not able to add a person on a whatsapp group after removing him from the group chat? this happened to me as well. after trial and error, i found that the easiest solution to this problem is, make one of the other member of group as admin and ask that person to add the deleted member in the group. this worked for me. hope this helps. cheers. someone removed me from a group in whatsapp without my knowledge. how do i add myself back? how do you rejoin a whatsapp group without other members of the group adding you back? if someone removes me from a whatsapp group and the group is still in my chat list, can i still see who is in the group? how do i get back to a whatsapp group if someone removes me? how can i know who removed me from a whatsapp group? how do i get back into a whatsapp group after i've been removed without adding me? how can i protect myself from being removed from a whatsapp group? how can you become part of a whatsapp group without permission? i am removed as a whatsapp admin. how do i know who removed me as the admin, if there are multiple admins in the group? how do i leave a whatsapp group permanently so that nobody could add me back? how do you add people to a whatsapp group without an admin? how do you whatsapp someone without adding contact? how can i add someone to a group without adding them to my phone contacts? how do i (as the admin) add myself back into my whatsapp group if the remaining members can’t add me either? how can we identify an admin who removed me from the admin of our group in whatsapp?


google translet melayu ke inggeris

Última actualización: 2022-08-12
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo
Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible

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