Usted buscó: likeliest, likeliest (Inglés - Rumano)

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local media reports suggest 10 july is the likeliest date.


Ştirile din presa locală sugerează că 10 iulie este data cea mai probabilă.

Última actualización: 2012-04-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1


the best and brightest are the likeliest to go abroad. [getty images]


cei mai buni şi mai deştepţi sunt cei care vor părăsi cel mai probabil ţara. [getty images]

Última actualización: 2016-01-20
Frecuencia de uso: 1


this solution was introduced as likeliest by president voronin shortly after the april 5 elections.


această soluţie a fost anunţată drept cea mai probabilă de către preşedintele voronin imediat după încheierea alegerilor, la 5 aprilie.

Última actualización: 2018-02-13
Frecuencia de uso: 1


their likeliest scenario is for the dss to team up with the srs, with the sps possibly becoming the smallest coalition partner.


cel mai probabil scenariu este ca dss să se alieze cu srs, sps devenind probabil cel mai mic membru al coaliţiei.

Última actualización: 2016-01-20
Frecuencia de uso: 2


the dwellers of the desert are the hardest in infidelity and hypocrisy and likeliest not to know the ordinances of that which allah hath sent down unto his apostle.


beduinii sunt cei mai aprigi în tăgadă şi făţărnicie şi cei mai porniţi să nu recunoască hotarele pe care le-a pogorât dumnezeu asupra trimisului său.

Última actualización: 2014-07-03
Frecuencia de uso: 3


that is more just with allah and more upright in respect to testimony, and the likeliest way to avoid doubt, unless it is an on-the-spot deal you transact between yourselves, in which case there is no sin upon you not to write it.


aşa se dă mai multă greutate mărturiei şi aşa vi se îndepărtează orice îndoială. când este vorba de o treabă ce o îndepliniţi pe loc, între voi, nu vi se va face nici o vină, dacă nu o veţi scrie.

Última actualización: 2014-07-03
Frecuencia de uso: 3


==works=====poetry and drama===*1631: "l'allegro"*1631: "il penseroso"*1634: "a mask presented at ludlow castle, 1634 commonly known as comus" (a masque)*1638: "lycidas"*1645: "poems of mr john milton, both english and latin"*1655: "on the late massacre in piedmont"*1667: "paradise lost"*1671: "paradise regained"*1671: "samson agonistes"*1673: "poems, &c, upon several occasions"===prose===*"of reformation" (1641)*"of prelatical episcopacy" (1641)*"animadversions" (1641)*"the reason of church-government urged against prelaty" (1642)*"apology for smectymnuus" (1642)*"doctrine and discipline of divorce" (1643)*"judgement of martin bucer concerning divorce" (1644)*"of education" (1644)*"areopagitica" (1644)*"tetrachordon" (1645)*"colasterion" (1645)*"the tenure of kings and magistrates" (1649)*"eikonoklastes" (1649)*"defensio pro populo anglicano" ["first defence"] (1651)*"defensio secunda" ["second defence"] (1654)*"a treatise of civil power" (1659)*"the likeliest means to remove hirelings from the church" (1659)*"the ready and easy way to establish a free commonwealth" (1660)*"brief notes upon a late sermon" (1660)*"accedence commenced grammar" (1669)*"history of britain" (1670)*"artis logicae plenior institutio" ["art of logic"] (1672)*"of true religion" (1673)*"epistolae familiaries" (1674)*"prolusiones" (1674)*"a brief history of moscovia, and other less known countries lying eastward of russia as far as cathay, gathered from the writings of several eye-witnesses" (1682)*"de doctrina christiana" (1823)==notes====references==*beer, anna.


==lucrări poetice și dramatice==* 1631: "l'allegro"* 1631: "il penseroso"* 1634: "comus" (a masque)* 1638: "lycidas"* 1645: "poeme ale d-nului john milton, în engleză și latină", ("poems of mr john milton, both english and latin")* 1655: "on the late massacre in piedmont"* 1667: "paradisul pierdut" ("paradise lost")* 1671: "paradisul regăsit ("paradise regained")* 1671: "samson agonizat" ("samson agonistes")* 1673: "poeme pentru diferite ocazii" ("poems, &c, upon several occasions")==proză politică, filosofică și religioasă==*"of reformation" (1641)*"of prelatical episcopacy" (1641)*"animadversions" (1641)*"the reason of church-government urged against prelaty" (1642)*"apology for smectymnuus" (1642)*"doctrine and discipline of divorce" (1643)*"judgement of martin bucer concerning divorce" (1644)*"of education" (1644)*"areopagitica" (1644)*"tetrachordon" (1645)*"colasterion" (1645)*"the tenure of kings and magistrates" (1649)*"eikonoklastes" (1649)*"defensio pro populo anglicano" ("first defense") (1651)*"defensio secunda" ("second defense") (1654)*"a treatise of civil power" (1659)*"the likeliest means to remove hirelings from the church" (1659)*"the ready and easy way to establish a free commonwealth" (1660)*"brief notes upon a late sermon" (1660)*"accedence commenced grammar" (1669)*"history of britain" (1670)*"artis logicae plenior institutio" ["art of logic"] (1672)*"of true religion" (1673)*"epistolae familiaries" (1674)*"prolusiones" (1674)*"a brief history of moscovia, and other less known countries lying eastward of russia as far as cathay, gathered from the writings of several eye-witnesses" (1682)*"de doctrina christiana" (1823)==note==== legături externe ==** milton reading room* "milton and "de doctrina christiana""* "the masque in milton's "arcades" and "comus""**** 400 de ani de la nașterea lui john milton, 9 decembrie 2008, costin tuchilă, "amos news"

Última actualización: 2016-03-03
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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