Usted buscó: implemented (Inglés - Sinhala)

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not implemented


ක්‍රියාවට නංවා නැත

Última actualización: 2014-08-15
Frecuencia de uso: 2


the %1 derivative has not been implemented.


error message, no proper condition found.

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1


if you want our deal to be implemented 2 conditions


දැන් කතා කරගත්ත එවා කෙරෙන්න නම් කොන්දේසි දෙකක් තියෙනවා

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


the f.a.a. has implemented 9/11 protocol.


සියලු යානා බස්සවලා, නැවත දැනුම්දෙන තුරු.

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


with the help of his brothers, it implemented in order garden and there he found his solace.


ඇයගේ සහෝදරයන්ගේ උදව් ඇතුව, ඇය ඔවුන්ගේ ගෙවත්ත ඇස්වාද්දුවා... .

Última actualización: 2016-10-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1


this project commenced on october 2009 and implemented with the guidance of former commander of the navy under the supervision of director general operation to provide assistance to sllrdc


මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය 2009 ඔක්තෝම්බර් මස ආරම්භ වූ අතර ශ්‍රී.ලං.නි.ප.

Última actualización: 2020-03-11
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


this step is sanctioned by a very weak indifference principle. let us distinguish two cases. the first case, which is the easiest, is where all the minds in question are like your own in the sense that they are exactly qualitatively identical to yours: they have exactly the same information and the same experiences that you have. the second case is where the minds are “like” each other only in the loose sense of being the sort of minds that are typical of human creatures, but they are qualitatively distinct from one another and each has a distinct set of experiences. i maintain that even in the latter case, where the minds are qualitatively different, the simulation argument still works, provided that you have no information that bears on the question of which of the various minds are simulated and which are implemented biologically. a detailed defense of a stronger principle, which implies the above stance for both cases as trivial special instances, has been given in the literature.11 space does not permit a recapitulation of that defense here, but we can bring out one of the underlying intuitions by bringing to our attention to an analogous situation of a more familiar kind. suppose that x% of the population has a certain genetic sequence s within the part of their dna commonly designated as “junk dna”. suppose, further, that there are no manifestations of s (short of what would turn up in a gene assay) and that there are no known correlations between having s and any observable characteristic. then, quite clearly, unless you have had your dna sequenced, it is rational to assign a credence of x% to the hypothesis that you have s. and this is so quite irrespective of the fact that the people who have s have qualitatively different minds and experiences from the people who don’t have s. (they are different simply because all humans have different experiences from one another, not because of any known link between s and what kind of experiences one has.) the same reasoning holds if s is not the property of having a certain genetic sequence but instead the property of being in a simulation, assuming only that we have no information that enables us to predict any differences between the experiences of simulated minds and those of the original biological minds. it should be stressed that the bland indifference principle expressed by (#) prescribes indifference only between hypotheses about which observer you are, when you have no information about which of these observers you are.


සිරස්තලයක් එක් කරන්න

Última actualización: 2022-12-31
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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