Usted buscó: vulnerable (Inglés - Tayiko)

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use of html in mail will make you more vulnerable to "spam" and may increase the likelihood that your system will be compromised by other present and anticipated security exploits.


Истифода аз html дар почта, шуморо ба "спам" боз ҳам нозуктар мекунад ва метавонад эҳтимолоти онро, ки системаи шумо бо ёрии тарзи шикасти аллакай мавҷудбуда ва ояндавии нуқсонро низ баландтар кунад.

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible


loading external references in html mail will make you more vulnerable to "spam" and may increase the likelihood that your system will be compromised by other present and anticipated security exploits.


Истифода аз html дар почта, шуморо ба "спам" боз ҳам нозуктар мекунад ва метавонад эҳтимолоти онро, ки системаи шумо бо ёрии тарзи шикасти аллакай мавҷудбуда ва ояндавии нуқсонро низ баландтар кунад.

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Advertencia: contiene formato HTML invisible


this situation did not take place according to your previous plans, otherwise, everything would have been different. (it was god's plan) to place you in a vulnerable position, exposed to the enemy and it was his plan to lead the caravan out of your reach) so that his decree that you would be granted a victory by a miracle would become a doubtless fact and so that those who were to be destroyed would face destruction with a clear knowledge of the truth and those who were to survive would also survive with a clear knowledge of the truth.


Агар шумо бо якдигар замони ҷангро таъйин мекардед, боз ҳам аз он хилоф меварзидед, то коре, ки Худо муқаррар кардааст, воқеъ шавад, то ҳар кӣ ҳалок мешавад, ба далеле ҳалок шавад ва ҳар кӣ зинда мемонад, ба далеле зинда монад.

Última actualización: 2014-07-03
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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