Usted buscó: et imperator invocato diabolus daemonica exorcism (Latín - Inglés)

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et imperator invocato diabolus daemonica exorcism


and commander, calling up the devil exorcism

Última actualización: 2023-09-14
Frecuencia de uso: 2


post proelium equestre cum romanis ad rhodanum hannibal copias carthaginienses trans alpes maximâ cum difficultate duxit. in his montibus altissimis aliae gentes gallorum hannibali amicae, aliae inimicae erant. ubi ad summas alpes exercitus pervênit, in castris biduum remansit et imperator ipse militibus campos italiae qui sub montibus videri poterant demonstravit. postea omnes ad flumen ticinum brevi tempore pervênerunt. hôc loco hannibal copias convocavit.


hannibal, after the battle of the cavalry forces of the carthaginians on the other side of the alps with the romans, with the greatest difficulty, and brought him up to the rhone. hannibal, the gauls, on these mountains the high places of the other nations, my lover, and the other of enemies were. coming to the top of the alps his army then arrived, the plains of italy, in the camp of the soldiers, who were under the roman general accordingly remained, and, for two days the mountains could not be seen proof of it. after this, all the way to the river ticino in a short time to icos. at this point, hannibal had mobilized his forces.

Última actualización: 2015-11-09
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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