Usted buscó: o rex sem piterne (Latín - Inglés)

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o rex sem piterne



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o rex gloriae domine virtutum


king of glory, lord of hosts

Última actualización: 2015-11-03
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


o rex ac regina mundi potentissimi, qui nis vo infinita


o king and queen of the world's most powerful

Última actualización: 2022-08-18
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


o rex deus altissimus regnum et magnificentiam gloriam et honorem dedit nabuchodonosor patri tu


o thou king, the most high god gave nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom, and majesty, and glory, and honour:

Última actualización: 2012-05-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


ad quem illa respondit si inveni gratiam in oculis tuis o rex et si tibi placet dona mihi animam meam pro qua rogo et populum meum pro quo obsecr


then esther the queen answered and said, if i have found favour in thy sight, o king, and if it please the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request:

Última actualización: 2012-05-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


o rex ac regina mundi potentissimi, qui nos vi infinita regitis, vos qui matri nostrae potestatem potentiamque quibis corda mentes animas nostrum regmus attribuistis


o thou king, or queen of the world's most powerful, most

Última actualización: 2021-08-01
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


o rex ac regina mundi potentissimi qui nos vi infinita regitis vos qui matri nostrae potestatem potentiamque quibus corda mentes animas nostrum regamus attribuistis auxilium vestrum di magni atque immortales precamur arcete inimicos fidei nostrae nobis protegite domus nostras fundos nostros pagum nostrum a mutandi evertendique viribus nos semper coniungite ac constringite per fidem caeli veri in terra futuri nos dies noctesque tegite amore vestro immenso dono pro fidelitate erga vos nostra gaude


oh king and queen of the world's most powerful who rule us with infinite power you who rule our mother's power and power to whom we rule our hearts minds and souls you have attributed your help to the great and immortal god we pray keep the enemies of our faith away from us protect our houses our farms our village from changing and overturning forces unite us always and bind us by the faith of the heaven of truth in the earth to come, cover us day and night with your love, with an immense gift for our faithfulness to you.

Última actualización: 2022-11-03
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


aurora1 dea tithonum, virum pulchrum, amabat. venit igitur ad iovem2: "o rex deorum," dicit, "audi me! meus tithonus non est deus; post paucos annos3 ad senectutem veniet. si vitam perpetuam viro dabis, te semper laudabo." stulta aurora! magnum periculum doni non vides. immortalitatem tithono dat iuppiter, sed vir, dum vivit, senescit4. tempus fugit: nunc aurora bella, tithonus non bellus est. corpus rugosum5 curvumque iam non valet; sapientia in animō non manet. quid aurora faciet? poteritne f


aurora1 goddess tithonum, a handsome, desperately. he therefore iovem2: "oh, king of the gods," he says, "listen to me! tithonus is not my god, after a few years3 come to old age. if you give a man eternal life, you will always sing." dawn silly! great is the danger of gift does not you see that. jupiter gives the immortality of the couch, tithonus, but the husband, while he liveth, senescit4. time flies, now dawn wars, tithonus there is war. the body rugosum5 was straightened now, is not valid; wisdom in the animô does not remain. dawn what will he do? will f

Última actualización: 2020-05-27
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo
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