Usted buscó: jaghlaq (Maltés - Inglés)

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fejn notifika tkun inghatat , dawn il-bilanci ghandhom jigu klassifikati f' 9 . 3a jew 9.3 b , fejn xieraq bilanci mqeghda bi skond fissat ta » maturità ta » bejn sena u sentejn li mhumiex trasferibbli imma jistghu jigu mifdija mat-talba bla hsara ghal certi penali pagamenti margini li jsiru skond kuntratti derivattivi li jridu jinghalqu bejn sena u sentejn , li jirrappreżentaw kollateral ta » flus kontanti mqeghda biex jipprotegu kontra riskju ta » kreditu imma li jibqghu fil-pussess tad-depożitaturi u jistghu jergghu jithallsu meta jaghlaq il-kuntratt self li jkollu bhala xhieda dokument wahdieni ta » maturità originali ta » bejn sena u sentejn sigurtajiet ta » debitu mhux negozjabbli mahruga mill-mfis ( li jkollhom jew ma jkollhomx dokumenti bhala xhieda ) ta » maturità originali ta » aktar minn sena u li twassal sa u tinkludi sentejn debitu subordinat mahrug mill-mfis fil-forma ta » depożiti jew self ta » maturità originali ta » aktar minn sena u li twassal sa u tinkludi sentejn


where notification has been given , these balances should be classified in 9.3 a or 9.3 b , where appropriate — balances placed with a fixed term to maturity of between one and two years that are non-transferable but can be redeemed on demand subject to certain penalties — margin payments made under derivative contracts to be closed out within between one and two years , representing cash collateral placed to protect against credit risk but remaining in the ownership of the depositor and being repayable to the depositor when the contract is closed out — loans evidenced by a single document of between one and two years » original maturity — non-negotiable debt securities issued by mfis ( evidenced or not by documents ) of original maturity of over one year and up to and including two years — subordinated debt issued by mfis in the form of deposits or loans of original maturity of over one year and up to and including two years

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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