Usted buscó: tamang language (Nepalí - Coreano)

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tamang language



Última actualización: 2023-11-29
Frecuencia de uso: 1


nikesh tamang language


nikesh tamang 언어

Última actualización: 2024-08-11
Frecuencia de uso: 1


sangita tamang woiba language


sangita tamang woiba

Última actualización: 2023-09-26
Frecuencia de uso: 1


c# language


c# language

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 4


anisha tamang


내 이름은 스워스티카 타망

Última actualización: 2023-03-10
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


my name is asmi tamang


제 이름은 아스미 타망입니다.

Última actualización: 2024-05-28
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


my name is sofiya tamang


제 이름은 소피아 타망입니다

Última actualización: 2023-04-22
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


उच्च- स्तर मिसिलीकरणdoctitle (language)


최상위 문서doctitle (language)

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


my name is sang dorje tamang


내 이름은 상 도르제 타망입니다

Última actualización: 2023-04-08
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


essay on cow in nepali language


네팔어로 된 소 에세이

Última actualización: 2019-12-19
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


my name is laxman to korean language


내 이름은 한국어에 laxman입니다.

Última actualización: 2024-06-22
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


api or programming language the widget was written in, name of the widget


% 2 위젯에 필요한 패키지% 1을( 를) 찾을 수 없습니다. _bar_/ _bar_% 2 위젯에 필요한 패키지 $[을를% 1] 찾을 수 없습니다. api or programming language the widget was written in, name of the widget

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


weekday month dd yyyy shortweekday month dd yyyysome reasonable short date formats for the language


yyyy년 month dd일 weekday yyyy년 month dd일 (shortweekday) some reasonable short date formats for the language

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


hh: mm: ss ph: mm: ss ampmsome reasonable date formats for the language


hh: mm: ss ampm ph: mm: ss some reasonable date formats for the language

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


विस्तारितdictionary name.% 1- language,% 2- country and% 3 variant name


확장됨dictionary name.% 1- language,% 2- country and% 3 variant name

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


गुप्तिकरण कुञ्जी चयनif in your language something like 'key( s)' isn' t possible please use the plural in the translation


암호화 키 선택if in your language something like 'key( s)' is not possible please use the plural in the translation

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


% 1 (% 2) [% 3] dictionary name.% 1- language and% 2- country name


% 1 (% 2), [% 3] dictionary name.% 1- language and% 2- country name

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


http: // www. chemie. de/ tools/ acronym. php3? language=eacronym=\\\\ {@} name


http: // www. chemie. de/ tools/ acronym. php3? language=eacronym=\\\\ {@} name

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo


html tidy configuration settings within a file, use the form: wrap: 72 split: no when specified on the command line, use the form: -- wrap 72 -- split no name\ t\ t\ t\ ttype\ tallowable values ====================\ t=========\ t============================== indent- spaces\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,... wrap\ t\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0 (no wrapping), 1, 2,... tab- size\ t\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,... char- encoding\ t\ t\ tencoding\ t ascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis input- encoding\ t\ t\ tencoding\ tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis output- encoding\ t\ t\ tencoding\ tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis newline\ t\ t\ t\ tenum\ t\ tlf, crlf, cr doctype\ t\ t\ t\ tdoctype\ tauto, omit, strict, loose, transitional,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tuser specified fpi (string) repeated- attributes\ t\ tenum\ t\ tkeep- first, keep- last alt- text\ t\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - slide- style\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - error- file\ t\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - output- file\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - write- back\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 markup\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- warnings\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quiet\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent\ t\ t\ t\ tautobool\ tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide- endtags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 input- xml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- xml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- xhtml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- html\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add- xml- decl\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase- tags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase- attributes\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 bare\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 clean\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 logical- emphasis\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- proprietary- attributes\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- font- tags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- empty- paras\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- bad- comments\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 break- before- br\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 split\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 numeric- entities\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- marks\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- nbsp\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- ampersand\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- script- literals\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- sections\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- asp\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- jste\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- php\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- backslash\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 assume- xml- procins\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add- xml- space\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose- text\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose- block- text\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 keep- time\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 word- 2000\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 tidy- mark\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu- emacs\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu- emacs- file\ t\ t\ tstring\ t - literal- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- body- only\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- uri\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 lower- literals\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide- comments\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent- cdata\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 force- output\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- errors\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,... ascii- chars\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join- classes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join- styles\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 escape- cdata\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 language\ t\ t\ tstring\ t - ncr\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- bom\ t\ t\ tautobool\ tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 replace- color\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 css- prefix\ t\ t\ tname\ tcss1 selector new- inline- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- blocklevel- tags\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- empty- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- pre- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... accessibility- check\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,...


html tidy configuration settings within a file, use the form: wrap: 72 split: no when specified on the command line, use the form: -- wrap 72 -- split no name\ t\ t\ t\ ttype\ tallowable values ====================\ t=========\ t============================== indent- spaces\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,... wrap\ t\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0 (no wrapping), 1, 2,... tab- size\ t\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,... char- encoding\ t\ t\ tencoding\ t ascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis input- encoding\ t\ t\ tencoding\ tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis output- encoding\ t\ t\ tencoding\ tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis newline\ t\ t\ t\ tenum\ t\ tlf, crlf, cr doctype\ t\ t\ t\ tdoctype\ tauto, omit, strict, loose, transitional,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tuser specified fpi (string) repeated- attributes\ t\ tenum\ t\ tkeep- first, keep- last alt- text\ t\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - slide- style\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - error- file\ t\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - output- file\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - write- back\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 markup\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- warnings\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quiet\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent\ t\ t\ t\ tautobool\ tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide- endtags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 input- xml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- xml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- xhtml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- html\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add- xml- decl\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase- tags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase- attributes\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 bare\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 clean\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 logical- emphasis\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- proprietary- attributes\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- font- tags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- empty- paras\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- bad- comments\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 break- before- br\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 split\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 numeric- entities\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- marks\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- nbsp\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- ampersand\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- script- literals\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- sections\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- asp\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- jste\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- php\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- backslash\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 assume- xml- procins\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add- xml- space\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose- text\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose- block- text\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 keep- time\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 word- 2000\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 tidy- mark\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu- emacs\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu- emacs- file\ t\ t\ tstring\ t - literal- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- body- only\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- uri\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 lower- literals\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide- comments\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent- cdata\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 force- output\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- errors\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,... ascii- chars\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join- classes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join- styles\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 escape- cdata\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 language\ t\ t\ tstring\ t - ncr\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- bom\ t\ t\ tautobool\ tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 replace- color\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 css- prefix\ t\ t\ tname\ tcss1 selector new- inline- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- blocklevel- tags\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- empty- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- pre- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... accessibility- check\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,...

Última actualización: 2011-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 2

Referencia: Anónimo

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