Usted buscó: ngiyajabula ukukwazi (Zulú - Inglés)

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ngiyajabula ukukwazi



Última actualización: 2020-02-09
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


ngiyajabula ukukwazi ukuxhumana nawe


im happy

Última actualización: 2022-09-21
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


ndiyavuya ukukwazi


i am glad to meet you

Última actualización: 2021-08-31
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


ngiyajabula uma ujabulile


i must be happy with what you doing

Última actualización: 2023-05-20
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


ngiyajabula ukusho lokho


i don't not want to say i'm happy

Última actualización: 2022-01-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


idinga ukukwazi ukugudlula nokuchofoza igundane lekhompyutha kalula


needs to be capable of moving and clicking the mouse easily

Última actualización: 2014-08-20
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo


- esigabeni 'samabhodi' ungashintsha uhide lwemisebenzi. ungamane uwaqhaqhe lapho kubukwa khona esihlahleni. ungashintsha ulimi olusetshenziselwa ukufunda, isibonelo, ulimi olusetshenziselwa ukusho amagama wemibalo. - ungangqina izinhlelo ezimbalwa, futhi uzishintshe kalula. esigabeni 'semininingwane' faka imininingwane, futhi kwinxenye 'yebhodi' khetha imininingwane ebhokisini le-combo, uqede ukhethe amabhodi ofuna asebenze. ungafaka imininingwane embalwa, nohide lwamabhodi oluhlukahlukene, kanye nolimi oluhlukahlukene. ungasebebenzisa umininingwane onokiwe esigabeni 'semininingwane', ngokukhetha imininingwane oyifunayo, uphinde ucofoze izinkinobho ezibekiwe. ungakhetha futhi imininingwane lapho kubekwa khona izimpoqo. - ungafaka abasebenzisi, izigaba futhi ngezigabe ngazinye, ungazala amaqembu wabasebenzisi. yazi ukuba ungandlulisa kusukela emafayileni ahluniswe ngukhefana. nikeza elilodwa noma amaningi amaqembu emininingwaneni, emva kwalokho ukungena okusha kuzovela emva kokuba uqalise i-gcompris. ukukwazi ukukhomba abantwana ngabunye kwi-gcompris kusho ukuthi singakwazi ukuba sibhale imiphumela ngokuhlukana. iyakwazi futhi ukubona umntwana ngamunye; bayakwazi ukufunda futhi bakhumbule amagama wabo wokungena (ukungena kumisiwe).


- in the 'boards' section you can change the list of activities. just untoggle them in the treeview. you can change the language used for reading, for example, then the language used for saying the names of colors. - you can save multiple configurations, and switch between them easily. in the 'profile' section add a profile, then in the 'board' section select the profile in the combobox, then select the boards you want to be active. you can add multiple profiles, with different lists of boards, and different languages. you set the default profile in the 'profile' section, by choosing the profile you want, then clicking on the 'default' button. you can also choose a profile from the command line. - you can add users, classes and for each class, you can create groups of users. note that you can import users from a comma-separated file. assign one or more groups to a profile, after which those new logins will appear after restarting gcompris. being able to identify individual children in gcompris means we can provide individual reports. it also recognizes the children as individuals; they can learn to type in and recognize their own usernames (login is configurable).

Última actualización: 2014-08-20
Frecuencia de uso: 1

Referencia: Anónimo

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