Vous avez cherché: ek was n regte bobbejaan en het n dom fou... (Afrikaans - Anglais)

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ek was n regte bobbejaan en het n dom fout begaan



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toe was ék dom en het niks geweet nie; ek was 'n dier by u.


so foolish was i, and ignorant: i was as a beast before thee.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-06
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


op die 21 desember was dit my verjaarsdag so my ouers het besluit om my na pretoria dieretuin te neem om die diere te sien dit was so lekker en hulle het 'n spesiale geskenk vir my gehad ek was so opgewonde en gelukkig in dieselfde tyd so ek het dit oopgemaak op dit was 'n nuwe foon 'n iphone


on the 21 of december it was my birthday so my parents decided to take me to pretoria zoo to see the the animals it was so nice and they had a special gift for me i was so excited and happy in the same time so i opened it up it was a new phone a iphone 8 i was so happy then we went to gold reef city we played then it was a to eat i eat and eat and eat then we went to the paint ball we had so much fun and i loved it

Dernière mise à jour : 2022-10-30
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


here, u het my oorgehaal, en ek het my laat oorhaal; u was te sterk vir my en het oorwin; ek was 'n belagging die hele dag, almal saam spot met my.


o lord, thou hast deceived me, and i was deceived: thou art stronger than i, and hast prevailed: i am in derision daily, every one mocketh me.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-06
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


dit was 'n sonnige dag in die laerskool brakpan, my vriend kamo was eintlik langer as ek en was 'n baie ligte vel, net soos my suster en het nogal snaakse oë gehad. ons was op die punt om drie rondtes om die hele skool te hardloop, soos ek voorheen gesê het dit was 'n sonnige dag so nadat ons klaar was met die drie rondtes het ons soos 'n besetene gesweet, dit was asof ons net uit 'n swembad gekom het en kon' nie wag om af te droog nie. ek was die vinnigste hardloper by die skool so ek is donderdye genoem en my vriend ra


it was a sunny day in brakpan primary school, my friend kamo was actually taller than me and was a very light skinned just like my sister and kinda had funny looking eyes. we were about to run three laps around the whole school, as i said before it was a sunny day so after we were done with the three laps we were sweating like crazy, it was like we just came out of a swimming pool and couldn't wait to dry off. i was the fastest runner at the school so i was called thunder thighs and my friend robot

Dernière mise à jour : 2022-02-11
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme

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