Vous avez cherché: light weight, ain't nothin but a peanut (Anglais - Allemand)

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it's still nothin but a g thang, i thought you knew


it's still nothin but a g thang, i thought you knew

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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electric guitar model: ?155 "junior gitarre". simple, light weight but a good sounding and playable instrument. built:1971, condition: 2.


e-gitarre typ: ?155 "junior gitarre. einfach, leicht aber gut klingendes und gut spielbares instrument. bj.:1971, zustand: 2.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


==filmography==*"the taking of pelham one two three" (1974)*"greased lightning" (1977)*"a hero ain't nothin' but a sandwich" (1978)*"trading places" (1983)*"silkwood" (1983)*"the brother from another planet" (1984)*"the cotton club" (1984)*"compromising positions" (1985)*"the color of money" (1986)*"five corners" (1987)*"suspect" (1987)*"dominick and eugene" (1988)*"bird" (1988)*"the january man" (1989)*"decoration day" (1990)*"new jack city" (1991)*"carolina skeletons" (1991)*"the hard way" (1991)*"the people under the stairs" (1991)*"roadside prophets" (1992)*"the bodyguard" - bill devaney (1992)*"demolition man" - zachery lamb (aged) (1993)*"the hudsucker proxy" (1994)*"things to do in denver when you're dead" (1995)*"fluke" (1995)*"ed" (1996)*"first kid" - speet (1996)*"that thing you do!


== filmografie (auswahl) ==* 1974: stoppt die todesfahrt der u-bahn 123 "(the taking of pelham one two three)"* 1983: die glücksritter "(trading places)"* 1983: silkwood* 1984: the cotton club* 1986: pinguine in der bronx "(five corners)"* 1986: die farbe des geldes "(the color of money)"* 1987: suspect – unter verdacht "(suspect)"* 1988: dominick & eugene "(dominick and eugene)"* 1989: im zeichen der jungfrau "(the january man)"* 1990: auf die harte tour "(the hard way)"* 1991: new jack city* 1991: haus der vergessenen "(the people under the stairs)"* 1992: bodyguard* 1993: demolition man* 1994: hudsucker – der große sprung "(the hudsucker proxy)"* 1995: fluke – ein hund räumt auf "(fluke)"* 1995: das leben nach dem tod in denver "(things to do in denver when you’re dead)"* 1995: man with a gun* 1996: that thing you do!

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-03-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
Qualité :

Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent

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